Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense With Examples

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense Definition :-

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is also called Present Perfect Progressive. This tense is used to show that an action started in the past and has been continuing up to the present moment.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi

Present Perfect Continuous Tense में कार्य (action) Past Time में प्रारंभ होकर वर्तमान समय में जारी रहता है। जैसे- कुछ उदाहरण देखें-

1. मोहन 4 बजे से खेल रहा है।

& Mohan has been playing since 4 o’ clock.

2. सीता एक घंटे से नाच रही है।

& Sita has been dancing for an hour.

3. मैं सुबह से पढ़ रहा हूं।

& I have been reading since morning.

4. वे लोग हँसते रहे हैं।

& They have been laughing.

5. तुम/तुमलोग/आप/आपलोग एक घंटे से खा रहे हो।

& You have been eating for an hour.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense में for/since का प्रयोग -

का प्रयोग -

समय बताने वाले शब्दों के पहले for या since का प्रयोग करते हैं।

for का प्रयोग अनिश्चित (Period of time)

समय के लिए करते हैं-कितनी देर से अथवा कितने समय से। जैसे-

एक घंटे से - for an hour

चार दिनों से - for four days

बहुत दिनों से - for several days

चार वर्षों से - for four years

since का प्रयोग निश्चित (Point of time)

समय के लिए करते हैं-किस दिन, किस साल, कितने बजे, शुरू होने का समय। जैसे-

सोमवार से - since Monday

2019 से - since 2019

4 बजे से - since 4 O’ clock

सुबह से - since morning

बचपन से - since childhood

पिछले साल से - since last year

Uses of Present Perfect Continuous Tense

This Tense is used for a long action in present time -
I have have been reading.
He has been playing.
She has been singing since morning.
I have been doing my work for two hours.
He has been living in this city since 2015.

With the words Since when or For how long -
i) Since when has she been teaching in this school?
ii) For how long have you been waiting for the bus.

Types of Sentences in Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense sentences
Affirmative Sentences :-

Structure -

Sub + has/have + been + V4 + Object

My younger sister has been going to school since Monday.
We have been reading.
You have been going to temple for four days.
He has been going to school for two months.
My father has been going to office.
They have been playing cricket since morning.

Negative Sentences :-

Structure -

Sub + has/have+ not+been+V4+Ob
My younger sister has not been going to school since Monday.
We have not been reading.
You have not been going to temple for four days.
He has not been going to school for two months.
My father has not been going to office.
They have not been playing cricket since morning.

Interrogative Sentences :-

Question Sentences -

Structure - Has/Have+sub+been+V4+Ob+?

1. Has my younger sister been going to school since Monday?

2.Have we been reading?

3. Have you been going to temple for four days?

4. Has he been going to school for two months?

5. Has my father been going to office?

6. Have they been playing cricket since morning?

Wh+ has/have+sub+been+V4+Ob+?

Examples :-

1. Since when has my younger sister been going to school?

2. What have we been reading?

3. Where have you been going for four days?

4. Where has he been going for two months?

5. Why has my father been going to office?

6. Where have they been playing cricket since morning?

Negative Interrogative Sentences :-

Structure -

Wh+ has/have+sub+not+been+V4+Ob+?

Examples :-

1. Since when has my younger sister not been going to school?

2. What have we not been reading?

3. Where have you not been going for four days?

4. Where has he not been going for two months?

5. Why has my father not been going to office?

6. Why have they not been playing cricket since morning?


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