Sentence and Kinds of Sentences


Sentence and Kinds of Sentences 

Que. What is a sentence?

Ans.- A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense.

Examples –

1.I write poems.

2.She plays.

3. Virat Kohli plays cricket.

4. Mohan is poor but honest.

5.Rahul said that he would come.

Parts of Sentences – 

There are two main parts of a sentence–

1.Subject – Subject of a sentence is mainly a noun or a pronoun–

2.Predicate – predicate tells about the subject.

Examples –

Subject                                 Predicate

I                                               write

She                                        plays

Virat Kohli                           plays cricket.     

Mohan                                 is poor but honest.

Rahul                                     said that he would come.            


Kinds of sentences  -  1

According to the functions, sentences are divided into the following five kinds –

1.Assertive Sentences

2.Interrogative Sentences

3.Imperative Sentences

4.Optative Sentences

5.Exclamatory Sentences

Question – What are Assertive Sentence?

Assertive Sentences - Assertive Sentences are simple statements that ends with a full stop. It may be be positive or negative.

Examples –

1.She is a good girl.

2.He will never accept your offer.

Que.- What are Interrogative Sentences?

Interrogative Sentences - 2.Interrogative Sentences ask questions.

Examples –

1.What is your name?

2.May I come in?

3.Why didn’t you complete your homework?

Que.- What are Imperative Sentences?

Imperative Sentences are used to express an order, request, advice, proposal etc.

Examples –

1.Go out of the room. (order)

2.Help me, please. (request)

3.Keep a cool head in problems. (advice)

4. Let us do our homework. (Proposal)

Que. - What are Optative Sentences?

Optative Sentences express a prayer, wish, curse. Optative Sentences ends with exclamatory marks (!)

Examples –

1.May God bless you!

2.May you live long!

3.May you go to hell!

Que. – What are Exclamatory Sentences?

Ans. - Exclamatory Sentences express sudden feelings of the mind. These feelings can be of happiness, sorrow, surprise, applause or can be used to attract attention.

Examples –

1.Hurrah! We have won the match.

2.Alas! The old peon has passed away.

3.How beautiful that scene is!

4.Bravo! Well done, my son!

5.Hello! How are you?

Kinds of sentences  -  2

According to the function of clauses, sentences are divide into three kinds –

1.Simple Sentence

2.Compound Sentence

3.Complex Sentence

Question – What is a Simple Sentence?

Ans. – A Simple Sentence is a one clause sentence containing one subject and one verb.


1.He plays cricket.

2.Mohan is poor.

Question – What is a Compound Sentence?

Ans. – A Compound Sentence must have two or more than two clauses joined by co-ordinate conjunctions.


1.He plays cricket as well as hockey.

2.Mohan is poor but he is honest.

Question – What is a Complex Sentence?

A Complex Sentence has one Principal Clause (Main Clause) and one or more Subordinate Clause (Dependent Clauses). Every part has a subject and a finite verb of its own.

A Complex Sentence is joined with Subordinate Conjunctions.

Examples –

1.He could not come to school yesterday because he was ill.

2.I will punish you if you talk like that.

3. I can’t tell you where she lives.

Sentence and Kinds of Sentences

Sentence and Kinds of Sentences Video


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