Glimpses of the Past
Glimpses of the Past Summary
In the first episode on the stage Lata Mangeshkar is singing –O my countrymen!
let your eyes fill with tears
as you recall the sacrifices of
India’s martyrs.
Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi are also seen in the picture..
In the first episode East India has adopted a policy of “Divide and Rule”.
The Indian Princes were short sighted. They were constantly at war with each other. They took help from English merchant in their fights. The rivalries helped the East India Company subdue the Indian princes one by one.
The people at first though the British has made peace. But the British took the reign.
In the third episode the British started ruling the country. There were many ill customs in the society. Such as untouchability and child marriage. Indian had lost their self respect.
The British wanted quick profit. They posed heavy taxes on farmers. The goods imported from England without any tax. The British policies ruined the expert artisans and their business.
In the fourth episode Ram Mohan Roy, a learned man understood what was wrong with the country. He said his wife that every religion teaches the same principles. For example, Cows are of different colours but the colour of their milk is the same. Like that, Different teachers have different opinions but the essence of every religion is the same. He started a newspapers, but the suspicious British stopped them.
Raja Ram Mohan went to England to see what made the British powerful. He also told them to rule with responsibility.
In the fifth episode, The British had passed Regulation act in 1818. Under it, an Indian could be jailed without trial in the court.
By 1829 Britain exported goods worth seven crore rupees to India. The Indian industries were to die. Govern General Benticck reported –
“The bones of cotton weavers are bleaching the plains of India.”
In the sixth episode dissatisfaction prevailed in the country. Macaulay suggest to teach native through the English language. By 1856, the British had conquered the whole of India.
In the seventh episode, the sparks raised. In Bengal, the Santhalis who had lost their lands, they rebelled.
Thousands of sepoys also revolted in the East India Company.They were stripped of their uniforms.
The soldiers said that the white soldier got huge pay, mansions and servants, but they got a pittance and slow promotions. The British abolished the customs.
The grease on the bullet that had to bite was made from the fat of cows and pigs.This made both Hindu and Muslim soldiers very angry.
Chapatis were sent to village to village to tell the people that their emperor would want their services. Similarly, lotus flowers circulated among Indian soldiers. The masses gave all help and shelter to the patriots.
In the eight episode, great Revolt took place. The rebellion spread wider. They wanted to end the British rule.
In the ninth episode, many great leaders like Tatya Tope, Nana Saheb, Maulvi Ahmedulla of Faizabad, Kunwar Sing they all fought for freedom.
Glimpses of the Past Summary in Hindi
सारांशअध्याय ३ की पहली कड़ी में लता मंगेशकर मंच पर गा रही हैं -
ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगों , जरा आंख में भर लो पानी
जो शहीद हुए हैं उनकी , जरा याद करो कुर्बानी
पं. नेहरू, लाल बहादुर शास्त्री, इंदिरा गांधी भी नजर आ रहे हैं।
पहले एपिसोड में ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने "फूट डालो और राज करो" की नीति अपनाई है।
भारतीय राजकुमार अदूरदर्शी थे। वे लगातार एक दूसरे के साथ युद्ध में थे। उन्होंने अपने झगड़े में अंग्रेज व्यापारी की मदद ली। प्रतिद्वंद्विता ने ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी को एक-एक करके भारतीय राजकुमारों को अपने वश में करने में मदद की।
लोगों ने सोचा अंग्रेजों ने शांति बना ली है। लेकिन अंग्रेजों ने देश पर शासन करना शुरू कर दिया। समाज में अनेक कुरीतियाँ थीं। जैसे अस्पृश्यता और बाल विवाह। भारतीयों ने अपना स्वाभिमान खो दिया था।
अंग्रेज शीघ्र लाभ चाहते थे। उन्होंने किसानों पर भारी कर लगाया। इंग्लैण्ड से बिना किसी कर के आयातित माल। ब्रिटिश नीतियों ने विशेषज्ञ कारीगरों और उनके व्यवसाय को बर्बाद कर दिया।
चौथे एपिसोड में राम मोहन राय, एक विद्वान व्यक्ति समझ गया कि देश के साथ क्या गलत है। उन्होंने अपनी पत्नी से कहा कि हर धर्म समान सिद्धांत सिखाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, गाय अलग-अलग रंगों की होती हैं लेकिन उनके दूध का रंग एक ही होता है। वैसे ही अलग-अलग शिक्षकों के अलग-अलग मत होते हैं लेकिन हर धर्म का सार एक ही होता है।
उन्होंने एक समाचार पत्र शुरू किया, लेकिन संदिग्ध अंग्रेजों ने उन्हें रोक दिया।
राजा राम मोहन यह देखने इंग्लैंड गए कि किस चीज ने अंग्रेजों को शक्तिशाली बनाया। उन्होंने उन्हें जिम्मेदारी के साथ शासन करने के लिए भी कहा।
पाँचवीं कड़ी में, अंग्रेजों ने 1818 में रेगुलेशन एक्ट पारित किया था। इसके तहत, एक भारतीय को अदालत में बिना मुकदमे के जेल भेजा जा सकता था।
1829 तक ब्रिटेन ने भारत को सात करोड़ रुपये का माल निर्यात किया। भारतीय उद्योग मर रहे थे।
गवर्नमेंट जनरल बेंटिक ने बताया -
"सूती बुनकरों की हड्डियाँ भारत के मैदानी इलाकों में फैली हैं।"
छठी कड़ी में देश में असंतोष व्याप्त हो गया। मैकाले अंग्रेजी भाषा के माध्यम से पढ़ाने का सुझाव देते हैं। 1856 तक, अंग्रेजों ने पूरे भारत पर विजय प्राप्त कर ली थी।
सातवें एपिसोड में, चिंगारी उठी। बंगाल में, जिन संथाली ने अपनी जमीन खो दी थी, उन्होंने विद्रोह कर दिया।
ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी में हजारों सिपाहियों ने भी विद्रोह किया। उनसे उनकी वर्दी छीन ली गई।
सैनिकों ने कहा कि गोरे सैनिक को भारी वेतन, मकान और नौकर मिले, लेकिन उन्हें एक छोटा और धीमी पदोन्नति मिली। अंग्रेजों ने रीति-रिवाजों को समाप्त कर दिया।
जिस गोली को काटना था, उसकी चर्बी गायों और सूअरों की चर्बी से बनाई जाती थी। इससे हिंदू और मुस्लिम दोनों सैनिक बहुत नाराज हुए।
चपातियों को गाँव-गाँव भेजा जाता था ताकि लोगों को यह बताया जा सके कि उनका सम्राट उनकी सेवा चाहता है। इसी तरह, भारतीय सैनिकों के बीच कमल के फूल बांटे गए। जनता ने देशभक्तों को हर संभव सहायता और आश्रय दिया।
आठवें एपिसोड में, महान विद्रोह हुआ। विद्रोह व्यापक रूप से फैल गया। वे ब्रिटिश शासन को समाप्त करना चाहते थे।
नौवें एपिसोड में, तात्या टोपे, नाना साहब, फैजाबाद के मौलवी अहमदुल्ला, कुंवर सिंग जैसे कई महान नेताओं ने आजादी के लिए लड़ाई लड़ी।
Glimpses of the Past Word Meaning
Glimpses – a quick look, झलक
Martyrs – who sacrificed his life for freedom of his country, शहीद
Conquest – victory, विजय
Rivalries – opposition, विरोधी
Untouchability – intangibility, अस्पृश्यता, छुआछूत
Ruined – destroyed, तबाह, नष्ट कर देना
Despise – hate, घृणा या नफरत करना
Oppression – persecution, victimization, अत्याचार जुल्म करना
Dissatisfaction – disapproval, असंतोष
Grievances – grudge, कष्ट, शिकायत
Sparks - चिंगारी
Massacred – butchery, carnage, सामूहिक हत्या, हत्याकाण्ड
Revolt – rebellion, riot, विद्रोह
NCERT Solutions for class 8th English Supplemantary
Glimpses of the Past Question Answer
Question 1.Look at picture 1 and recall the opening lines of the original song in Hindi. Who is the singer ? Who else do you see in this picture ?
Answer - The opening lines in Hindi are :
ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगों , जरा आंख में भर लो पानी
जो शहीद हुए हैं उनकी , जरा याद करो कुर्बानी
Lata Mangeshkar is the singer.
Pt. J.L. Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi are also seen in the picture..
Question 2.
In picture 2 what do you understand by the Company’s ‘superior weapons’?
Answer - East India Company has operating a policy of “Divide and Rule”. That is super weapons.
Question 3.
Who is an artisan ? Why do you think the artisans suffered? (Picture 3)
Answer:-An artisan is a worker in a skilled trade involve making things by hand.
The British policies ruined the expert artisans and their business.
Question 4.
Which picture, according to you, reveals the first sparks of the fire of revolt ?
Answer: - Picture 7 “The Sparks’ reveals the first sparks of the fire of ‘revolt’.
Glimpses of the Past Working With the Text (Page – 45)
Answer the following questions :
Question 1.- Do you think the Indian princes were short-sighted in their approach to the events of 1757 ?
Answer:-Of course, the Indian princes were short-sighted. They were quarrelling. They did not hesitant to take outsider’s help to fight each other. They could not think of the impact of Britisher’s help.
Question 2.- How did the East India Company subdue the Indian princes ?
Answer:- The rivalries helped the East India Company subdue the Indian princes one by one.
The British used their policy ‘Divide and Rule’ to subdue Indian princes on their own native land.
Question 3.- Quote the words used by Ram Mohan Roy to say that every religion teaches the same principles.
Answer:- Cows are of different colours but the colour of their milk is the same. Different teachers have different opinions but the essence of every religion is the same.
Question 4.
In what ways did the British officers exploit Indians ?
Answer:-The British imposed heavy taxes on farmers. An Indian could be jailed without trial in the court. They made import duty free on goods from England. The Indian industries were to die.
Question 5.
Name these people.
(i) The ruler who fought pitched battles against the British and died fighting.
(ii) The person who wanted to reform the society.
(iii) The person who recommended the introduction of English education in India.
(iv) Two popular leaders who led the revolt
(i) Tipu Sultan
(ii) Ram Mohan Roy
(iii) Lord Macauley
(iv) Tatya tope and Nana Saheb..
Question 6.
Mention the following :
(i) Two examples of social practices prevailing then.
Answer: - Child-marriage and Untouchability.
(ii) Two oppressive policies of the British.
Answer:- To put the Indians in jails without any trial.
The company’s loot in Industrial sector.
(iii) Two ways in which common people suffered.
Answer: - (iii) By export of British machinery, the artisan were ruined By imposing heavy taxes,
Indian farmers had to abandon their fields.
(iv) Four reasons for the discontent that led to the 1857 War of Independence.
heavy taxes,
snatching of kingdoms from rulers
Slow promotion to Indians,
greesed bullets with the fat of cow and pig,.
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