Moonga and Motha Chapter 11

 EXERCISES. Moonga and Motha Chapter 11

Supplementary (It so Happened....)


1. Where did Moonga decide to go?

 (मूँगा ने कहाँ जाने का निर्णय लिया था?)

Ans. - Moonga decided to go to her maternal grandmother's village. 

2. Whom did Moonga meet first and how did she help it?

Ans. - Moonga first met a horse. She helped it by sweeping its dirty stable.

3. What did the cow want Moonga to do for her?

(गाय मूँगा से अपने लिए क्या काम कराना चाहती थी?)

The cow wanted Moonga to arrange some hay for her. 4. How did Moonga help the old woman?

4. How did Moonga help the old woman?

(मूँगा ने वृद्ध महिला की मदद कैसे की ?)

Moonga cooked some food for the old woman. 5. How did Moonga enjoy her stay at maternal grandmother's house?

5. How did Moonga enjoy her stay at maternal grandmother's house?

(मूंगा ने नानी के घर ठहरने के दौरान कैसे आनंद लिया?) 

During her stay at maternal grandmother's house, Moonga ate a lot of sweet-meals there.

6. Why was Moonga so happy while she was returning home? (जब मूँगा घर लौट रही थी तो वह इतनी खुश क्यों थी?)

While Moonga was returning home, she was very happy because her grandmother gave her lot of presents and sweets. 7. How did the old woman help her?

7. How did the old woman help her?

(वृद्ध महिला ने उसकी कैसे मदद की?)

The old woman gave Moonga many presents and wished her a happy return journey.

8. What did the cow give her?

(गाय ने उसे क्या दिया ?)

The cow gave her a pitcher full of milk. 9. Who helped her to reach home?

9. Who helped her to reach home?

(घर पहुँचने में उसकी सहायता किसने की?)

Ans. - The horse helped her to reach home.


1. Why was Motha jealous?

Ans - Motha was jealous because her elder sister, Moonga, had returned home from her maternal grandmother's house with so many presents and sweets.

2 . Did Motha oblige the horse, the cow and the old woman?

 (क्या मोठा ने घोड़े, गाय और वृद्ध महिला पर उपकार किया था?)

Ans - No, Motha did not oblige the horse, the cow and the old woman. 3. What kind of help did the horse, the cow and the old woman wanted from Motha?

3. What kind of help did the horse, the cow and the old woman want from Motha?

(घोड़ा, गाय और वृद्ध महिला मोठा से किस प्रकार की सहायता चाहते थे?) 

Ans - The horse, the cow and the old woman wanted the same kind of help from Motha as Moonga had provided them. 

4. How did Motha behave at her grandmother's house?

(मोठा ने अपनी नानी माँ से कैसा व्यवहार किया?)

Ans - Motha never lent a helping hand to her old grandparents. She behaved very badly and arrogantly. 

5. Why was Motha's grandma fed up with her?

(मोठा की नानी माँ उससे तंग क्यों आ चुकी थी?) 

Ans - Motha's grandma was fed up with her because of her arrogant behaviour.

6. How Motha was treated by the old woman, the cow and the horse on return Journey?

 (वापसी की यात्रा के दौरान वृद्ध महिला, गाय और घोड़े द्वारा मोठा के साथ कैसा व्यवहार किया गया?)

Ans. - On her return journey, first of all, Motha came across the old woman. She asked for some food.Then old woman did not give her any food. After that, she came across the cow and asked for some milk. The cow too did not give her any milk. At last, Motha came across the horse and asked for a ride. The horse did not oblige her. They paid her in the same coin. 

7. What advice did Motha's mother give her? (मोठा की माँ ने उसे क्या सलाह दी?)

Ans. - Motha's mother advised her to be helpful and kind to others and behave nicely.


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