Ancient Education System of India Class 8


1. Where did nuns and monks receive their education?

Ans. - Nuns and monks achieved their education in viharas or monasteries.

2. What is Panini Known for?

 (पाणिनी क्यों प्रसिद्ध है?)

Ans.- Panini was an expert in language and grammar. He is famous for his book Ashtadhyayi, one of the greatest work on grammar.

3. Which university did Xuan Zang and I-Qing study at?

 (जुआन जॉग और इजिंग ने किस विश्वविद्यालय में अध्ययन किया?).

Ans - Xuan Zang and 1-Qing studied at Nalanda university. 

4. Which subject did Xuan Zang study in India.

(जुआन जॉग ने भारत में किस विषय का अध्ययन किया?)

 Ans - Yogashastra

5. How did society help in the education of the students? 

(विद्यार्थियों की पढ़ाई में समाज कैसे मदद करता था?)

Ans - All members of the society helped for the cause of education in some way or the other. They gave donations in the form of buildings, money and land


Discuss the following questions in small groups and write your answers.

1. Which salient features of the ancient education system of India made it globally renowned? 

(भारत की पुरातन शिक्षा पद्धति की किन विशेषताओं ने इसे पूरे विश्व में प्रसिद्ध बना दिया?)

Ans - In ancient India the education system considered as a source for the knowledge, traditions and practices that encouraged and guided humanity. This system gave a training of the body, mind and spirit. It targeted at the complete growth of the individual

2. Why do you think students from other countries came to India to study at that time. (विद्यार्थी शिक्षा के लिए भारत क्यों आते थे।)

Ans - In ancient education system of India the main aim was to have complete study, leading a disciplined life and feeling one's inner potential. It aimed at the complete growth of the

Individual. Impressed by all this, students from other countries visited India to study

 3. Why is education considered 'a way of life?

Ans -Education is considered a way of life. It is the foundation of the moral values of life. It makes man perfect in all fields of life. It has the invaluable role in life. Life without education is not better than the lives of animals. That is why education is regarded a way of life

4. What do you understand by holistic education.

(संपूर्ण शिक्षा से आप क्या समझते हैं?)

Ans - The holistic education is focused on the moral, physical, spiritual and intellectual aspects of life. It forces on values such as humility, truthfulness, discipline, self-reliance and respect for all creations

5. Why do you think Takshashila and Nalanda have been declared heritage sites?

 (आपके विचार में तलसित्ता और नालंदा को विरासत स्वत क्यों पोषित किया गया है?)

Ans - Takshashila and Nalanda were the most famous universities of ancient India They were famous for their higher education. Both the universities were considered among the best centres of study in the world. Due to their historical value in the field of education, by the UNESCO, both of these places have been declared heritage sites


 Supplementary (It so Happened )- Class 8


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