Desert Animals class 6 Chapter 9

Desert Animals class 6 Chapter 9

Desert Animals

Summary of Desert Animals

Desert Animals class 6 Chapter

Desert Animals class 6 Summary in English

Deserts are the driest places on earth and may without rain for years. But even the desert animals cannot survive without water, they find different ways of coping with the harsh desert condition.

Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day in cool underground burrows. Darkling beetles catch moisture on their legs and then lift them into the to take the drops into their mouth.

There are more than 2300 different kinds of snakes around the world.

Rattlesnakes kill their prey with venom. Like all snakes, they swallow the unfortunate animals whole. Pythons can survive for a year or more without eating.

Mongooses like to hunt together. All the female mongooses have their kitten at about the same time. They are raised by the whole group in a den made inside an old termite mount or hollow log.

Mongooses kill snakes without getting hurt themselves. They continually make a nuisance of themselves and when snake gets tired, they quickly dive in to kill snakes.

Another animal which lives in the desert is the camel. Camels were first domesticated by people many thousands of years ago.

There are two different kinds of camels. One is known as the Domedary has only a single hump. The other is called a Bactrian camel and has two humps.

The hump of the camels is full of fat that nourishes the camel when food is scarce. They can survive for several days without food and water as their humps shrink and fat is used to give energy.

Desert Animals class 6 Summary in Hindi

रेगिस्तान पृथ्वी पर सबसे शुष्क स्थान हैं और वर्षों तक बिना बारिश के रह सकते हैं। लेकिन रेगिस्तान के जानवर भी पानी के बिना जीवित नहीं रह सकते हैं, वे रेगिस्तान की कठोर स्थिति का सामना करने के विभिन्न तरीके खोजते हैं।

Gerbils दिन सबसे गर्म भाग ठंडी भूमिगत में बिताते हैं। बीटल अपने पैरों उठाते हैं और नमी लेते हैं और फिर बूंदों को अपने मुंह में लेते हैं।

दुनिया भर में 2300 से अधिक विभिन्न प्रकार के सांप हैं।

रैटल स्नेक अपने शिकार को विष से मारते हैं। सभी सांपों की तरह, वे जानवरों को पूरा निगल लेते हैं। अजगर खाने के बिना एक वर्ष या उससे अधिक समय तक जीवित रह सकते हैं।

नेवले एक साथ शिकार करना पसंद करते हैं। 

नेवले अपने आप को नुकसान पहुंचाए बिना सांपों को मारते हैं। वे लगातार आक्रमण करते हैं और जब सांप थक जाता है, तो वे सांप को मारने के लिए जल्दी से गोता लगाते हैं।

एक और जानवर जो रेगिस्तान में रहता है, वह ऊंट है। हजारों साल पहले लोगों द्वारा ऊंटों को पहले पालतू बनाया गया था।

ऊँट दो प्रकार के होते हैं। एक डोमेडरी के रूप में जाना जाता है, डोमेडरी में केवल एक कूबड़ होते हैं। दूसरे को बैक्ट्रियन ऊंट कहा जाता है और इसमें दो कूबड़ होते हैं।

ऊंटों का कूबड़ वसा से भरा होता है जो भोजन के खराब होने पर ऊंट को पोषण देता है। वे भोजन और पानी के बिना कई दिनों तक जीवित रह सकते हैं क्योंकि उनका कूबड़ सिकुड़ जाता है और ऊर्जा देने के लिए वसा का उपयोग किया जाता है।

Desert Animals Class 6 Questions and Answers

  1. 1 Talk to your partner and say whether the following statements are true or false-

(i)No animal can survive without water.

Ans. – True

(ii)Deserts are endless sand dunes.

Ans. – False

(iii)Most snakes are harmless.

Ans. – True

(iv)Snakes cannot hear, but they can feel vibrations through the ground.

Ans. – True

(v) Camels store water in their humps.

Ans. – False

2.Answer the following questions.-

(i)How do desert animals survive without water?

Ans. - Desert animals find different ways of coping with the harsh desert condition. Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day in cool underground burrows. Darkling beetles catch moisture on their legs and then lift them into the to take the drops into their mouth.

(ii)How do mongoose kill snakes?

Ans. –Mongooses kill snakes without getting hurt themselves. They continually make a nuisance of themselves and when snake gets tired, they quickly dive in to kill snakes.

(iii)How does the hump of the camels help them to survive when there is no water?

Ans. – The hump of the camels is full of fat that nourishes the camel when food is scarce.

They can survive for several days without food and water as their humps shrink and fat is used to give energy.

B. Read the words/phrases in the box. With your partner find their meaning in the dictionary.

Harsh Conditions harmless survive intruder threatened predators prey continually

Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the above words/phrases-

All animals in forests and deserts struggle to……..Though most of the animals are…..some are dangerous when….. If an… noticed they attack or bite to save themselves. They struggle…..for food and water. Some animals are called…..because they…..on other animals.

Ans. – All animals in forests and deserts struggle to survive in harsh Conditions Though most of the animals are harmless, some are dangerous when threatened. If an intruder is noticed they attack or bite to save themselves. They struggle continually for food and water. Some animals are called predators because they prey on other animals.

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