What Happened to the Reptiles English Class 6 Story Question Answer CBSE Solutions

 What Happened to the Reptiles Story


What Happened to the Reptiles Summary class 6

What Happened to the Reptiles is written by JAI WHITAKER.

Prem lived in a village. The communal riots in his village made life unsafe in the village. The people went mad. They fight with one another in the name of cast, religion or language. So Prem fled away from there and reached a village named Pambupatti.

Pambupatti was different from any other village. Prem stayed there. People lived in peace. They also cared for the strangers. So, Prem was determined not to return to his village.

An old man told a story to Prem. He said that it happened a long long time ago. There were only reptiles lived on the earth. Many kind of reptiles. Makara was the biggest crocodile of the forest. All the animals thought he was very important.

One day a strange thing happened. Makara sent a letter to the tortoises asking them not to come to the meeting. They became angry. A baby crocodile wanted to say something. But Makara made them all shut. Makara disliked tortoises because they were slow and stupid.

Then it was turn for the snakes. He disliked snakes for they were slimy and made funny noises.

Makara again disliked lizards for they were undependable and changed colour.

He made these creatures to leave the forest. The forest now got filled with foul smell of rotting fruits and fishes in the absence of tortoises.

After some days the animals of the forest became tired and fed up. Rats had taken over the forest in the absence of snakes. They ate up eggs of the lizards and crocodiles.

The lizards left the forest.Rats multiplied in the absence of snakes. And there were millions of insects in the absence of lizards. Frogs started to eat the baby crocodile. The climate became worse.

It became a terrible time for the crocodiles. Then one day a little voice came that why the forest has gone crazy. A small crocodile points out what had gone wrong. They knew that Makara was not all that strong and right. 

They sent urgent messages all over the place for the tortoises, snakes and lizards to come back to Pambupatti.

They called all their reptile friends back to Pambupatti. When they started to come, normal life came again.

The story of the reptiles presents the importance of living together.So, Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village.

This Earth is a common property of all living beings. Together, we can make this earth a worth-living place.

What happened to the reptiles Moral

The story has a moral teaching that this world belongs to all creatures and living beings. They together keep a balance in nature and make earth a worth-living place. Every kind of creature serves a useful purpose. The proverb ‘Live and let Live’ is rightly said.

What happened to the reptiles in Hindi

What Happened to the Reptiles Summary in Hindi

प्रेम एक गाँव में रहता था। उनके गाँव में हुए सांप्रदायिक दंगों ने गाँव में जीवन को असुरक्षित बना दिया था। लोग पागल हो गए। वे जाति, धर्म या भाषा के नाम पर एक-दूसरे से लड़ते। इसलिए प्रेम वहां से भाग गया और पम्बूपट्टी नामक एक गांव में पहुंच गया।

पम्बूपट्टी अन्य गाँव से भिन्न था। प्रेम वहीं रह गया। लोग वहां शांति से रहते थे। उन्होंने अजनबियों की भी देखभाल की। इसलिए, प्रेम ने अपने गाँव लौटने का दृढ़ निश्चय किया।

एक बूढ़े व्यक्ति ने प्रेम को एक कहानी सुनाई। उन्होंने कहा कि यह बहुत पहले हुआ था। पृथ्वी पर केवल सरीसृप रहते थे। कई प्रकार के सरीसृप रहते थे। मकर वन का सबसे बड़ा मगरमच्छ था। सभी जानवरों को लगा कि वह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है।

एक दिन एक अजीब बात हुई। मकर ने कछुओं को पत्र भेजकर बैठक में नहीं आने के लिए कहा। वे नाराज हो गया। एक बच्चा मगरमच्छ कुछ कहना चाहता था। लेकिन मकर ने उन सभी को चुप कर दिया। मकर ने कछुओं को नापसंद किया क्योंकि वे धीमे और मूर्ख थे।

फिर सांपों के लिए बारी थी। उन्होंने सांपों को नापसंद किया क्योंकि वे दुबले थे और शोर करते थे।

मकर ने फिर छिपकलियों को नापसंद किया क्योंकि वे रंग बदले हुए थे।

उसने इन प्राणियों को जंगल छोड़ने के लिए कहा। अब जंगल कछुओं की अनुपस्थिति में फलों और मछलियों के सड़ने की दुर्गंध से भर गया।

कुछ दिनों के बाद जंगल के जानवर तंग गए। सांपों की अनुपस्थिति में चूहों ने जंगल पर कब्जा कर लिया था। उन्होंने छिपकलियों और मगरमच्छों के अंडे खाए।

छिपकलियों ने जंगल छोड़ दिया। सांपों की अनुपस्थिति में चूहों ने कई गुना वृद्धि की। और छिपकलियों की अनुपस्थिति में लाखों कीड़े थे। मेंढक बच्चे को मगरमच्छ खाने लगे। माहौल ख़राब हो गया।

यह मगरमच्छों के लिए एक भयानक समय बन गया। फिर एक दिन हल्की आवाज आई कि जंगल क्यों पागल हो गया है। एक छोटा मगरमच्छ बताता है कि क्या गलत हुआ था। वे जानते थे कि मकर मजबूत और सही नहीं था।

उन्होंने कछुओं, सांपों और छिपकलियों को पैम्बूपट्टी में वापस आने के लिए जरूरी संदेश भेजे।

उन्होंने अपने सभी सरीसृप मित्रों को पम्बुपट्टी वापस बुलाया। जब उन्होंने आना शुरू किया, तो सामान्य जीवन फिर से गया।

सरीसृपों की कहानी एक साथ रहने के महत्व को प्रस्तुत करती है। इसलिए, प्रेम सरीसृप की कहानी अपने गांव के लोगों को बताना चाहता है।

यह पृथ्वी सभी जीवों की एक समान संपत्ति है। हम सब मिलकर इस धरती को रहने लायक जगह बना सकते हैं।

कहानी में एक नैतिक शिक्षा है कि यह दुनिया सभी जीवित प्राणियों की है। वे एक साथ प्रकृति में संतुलन रखते हैं और पृथ्वी को रहने लायक जगह बनाते हैं। प्रत्येक प्रकार का प्राणी एक उपयोगी उद्देश्य प्रदान करता है। कहावत ''जियो और जीने दो'’ सही है।

What Happened to the Reptiles question answer

1.In what way is Pambupatti different from any other village?

Ans. – The people in other villages fight with one another, but people in Pambupatti lived in peace. They did not fight in the name of cast, religion or language.

2.Why is Prem determined not to return to his village?

Ans. – The people in his village had gone mad. They started to set the houses on fire and killed one another. Therefore, Prem was determined not to return to his village.

3.Why did Makara dislike tortoises, snakes and lizards? Write a line about each.

Ans. – Makara disliked tortoises because they were slow and stupid.

He disliked snakes for they were slimy and made funny noises.

Makara disliked lizards for they were undependable and changed colour.

4.What went wrong when the tortoises, snakes and lizards left the forest?

Ans. – The forest got filled with foul smell of rotting fruits and fishes in the absence of tortoises.

Rats multiplied in the absence of snakes. And there were millions of insects in the absence of lizards.

5.Why do you think Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village?

Ans. – The people in Prem’s village started to fight in the name of religion. The story of the reptiles presents the importance of living together. The story gives a message of peace and coexistence. So, Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village.

6.Do you agree that it is difficult not to go along with someone who is very strong and powerful? Express your views frankly and clearly.

Ans. – Common people are peace loving and weak. It is human nature to agree with the strong. But, it is also true that common people protest when they are suppressed much.

7.If you were a baby crocodile, would you tell Makara that he was wrong? What would you say to convince him?

Ans. -  If I were a baby crocodile, I would boldly tell Makara that he was wrong. The earth is not the sole property of any one person or animal. To convince him I would say him –

(i) it is the duty of the strong to protect weak.

(ii) This Earth is a common property of all living beings. Together, we can make this earth a worth-living place.


What Happened to the Reptiles


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