A STRANGE WRESTLING MATCH Class 6 English Question Answer CBSE Solutions


Questions Part I

1.What was Vijay Singh’s weakness? Which awkward situation did it push him into?

Ans. – Vijay Singh’s weakness was that he was fond of boasting.

One day he boasted that he was not afraid of ghosts. So he was asked to walk through the Haunted Desert alone.

2.Was the old woman’s gift to Vijay Singh eccentric? Why?

Ans. – Yes, the old woman’s gift to Vijay Singh was eccentric because she gave him a lump of salt and an egg.

3.Why did Vijay Singh ask the ghost disguised as Natwar to come closer?

Ans. –Because It was dark and Vijay Singh could not see the ghost.

4.What made the ghost speechless? Why?

Ans. -  Vijay Singh told him that he was tired of wrestling with men and wanted to fight a ghost. He called him a plain lying ghost. This made the ghost speechless.

5.Why did Vijay Singh say “Appearances can be deceptive”?

Ans. – The ghost claimed to be Natwar though actually he was a rascal of a ghost, a plain lying ghost. So Vijay Singh said “Appearances can be deceptive”.

Questions Part II

1.How did Vijay Singh use the egg? How did he use the lump of salt?

Ans. – Vijay Singh used the egg to fool the ghost. He gave him a piece of rock to squeeze, but the ghost was unable to do. Vijay Singh took it and replaced with the egg and squeezed the egg.

Next, picked another piece of stone, gave it him to crumble it which the ghost was unable to do. Vijay Singh again replaced the stone with the lump of salt and crumbled it.

2.Why did Vijay Singh conclude that the ghost would not be a worthy opponent to him? Was he fair in his judgement?

Ans. – Because the ghost had started to doubt his ghostly powers. He told the ghost that there was no point to wrestling with a weakling.

No, he was not fair in his judgement.

3.Why did Vijay Singh ask the ghost to accompany him to town next day?

Ans. – Because he wanted to display him as the trophy of his victory to his people.

4. What made the ghost believe Vijay Singh was dead?

Ans. - Before the break of dawn, the ghost approached the bed with a stout club and hit on Vijay Singh’s head. He smiled that Vijay Singh was dead.

5.Vijay Singh complained of insects in the cave. What was he referring to, and why?

Ans. – He was referring to the ghost who had actually come to kill him at night with a club struck seven times on his head.

6.Was it really a ghost who Vijay Singh befooled? Who do you think it was?

Ans. – I think it was a robber who lived in the cave and pretended to be a ghost and robbed and killed travellers.


A STRANGE WRESTLING MATCH Class 6 English Question Answer CBSE Solutions


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