If I Were You Class 9 English Summary Question Answer NCERT Solutions

If I Were You Summary in English

If I Were You Summary – Gerrard was a playwright. He had to leave his house to deliver props for a rehearsal. Just then, an intruder entered his home. He was carrying a gun. He wanted to kill Gerrard and live on his identity. The intruder had committed a murder and was wanted by the police. So, he thought of stealing Gerrard’s identity so that he could live peacefully. He wanted to know details about Gerrard before killing him so that he could imitate him well.
Gerrard said that he was a crook too and that if the intruder stole his identity, even then he would be chased by the police. He had killed someone and the police had evidence against him. He further added that he was carrying false moustaches and other props so that he could disguise himself and hide from the police. He sensed that the police could raid his house that night. He had positioned an accomplice on the road to warn him of danger. Gerrard fooled the intruder to believe him by saying that if the intruder felt that Gerrard was lying, he could kill him. As the phone rang, Gerrard said that it was time to leave. When the intruder did not believe Gerrard, he asked him to peep out through the door of the garage and see the police for himself. In fact, the door was that of a cupboard. As the intruder bent forward, Gerrard pushed him inside the cupboard and locked it. Then he called the sergeant as he would hand over the intruder to the police.

If I Were You Summary in Hindi सारांश -

 जेरार्ड एक नाटककार थे। रिहर्सल के लिए सामान देने के लिए उन्हें अपना घर छोड़ना पड़ा। तभी एक बदमाश उनके घर में घुस गया। वह बंदूक लेकर चल रहा था। वह जेरार्ड को मारना चाहता था और अपनी पहचान पर जीना चाहता था। घुसपैठिए ने एक हत्या की थी और पुलिस को उसकी तलाश थी। इसलिए, उसने जेरार्ड की पहचान चुराने के बारे में सोचा ताकि वह शांति से रह सके। वह जेरार्ड को मारने से पहले उसके बारे में विवरण जानना चाहता था ताकि वह उसकी अच्छी तरह से नकल कर सके।

जेरार्ड ने कहा कि वह भी एक बदमाश था और अगर घुसपैठिए ने उसकी पहचान चुरा ली, तब भी पुलिस उसका पीछा करेगी। उसने किसी की हत्या की थी और पुलिस के पास उसके खिलाफ सबूत थे। उसने आगे कहा कि वह नकली मूंछें और अन्य सामान ले जा रहा था ताकि वह खुद को भेष बदल सके और पुलिस से छिप सके। उसे आभास हो गया था कि पुलिस उस रात उसके घर पर छापा मार सकती है। खतरे से आगाह करने के लिए उसने अपने एक साथी को सड़क पर खड़ा कर दिया था। गेरार्ड ने यह कहकर घुसपैठिए को उस पर विश्वास करने के लिए मूर्ख बनाया कि यदि घुसपैठिए को लगता है कि जेरार्ड झूठ बोल रहा है, तो वह उसे मार सकता है। जैसे ही फोन की घंटी बजी, जेरार्ड ने कहा कि अब जाने का समय हो गया है। जब घुसपैठिये को जिरार्ड पर विश्वास नहीं हुआ, तो उसने उसे गैरेज के दरवाजे से बाहर झाँकने और खुद पुलिस को देखने के लिए कहा। दरवाज़ा दरअसल अलमारी का था। जैसे ही घुसपैठिया आगे बढ़ा, जेरार्ड ने उसे अलमारी के अंदर धकेल दिया और उसे बंद कर दिया। फिर उसने सार्जेंट को बुलाया क्योंकि वह घुसपैठिए को पुलिस को सौंप देगा।

If I Were You Question Answers

Answer these questions.

1. “At last a sympathetic audience.”
(i) Who says this?
(ii) Why does he say it?
(iii) Is he sarcastic or serious?

i) Gerrard
ii) Gerrard says this because he is glad that finally, someone has asked him to speak about himself.
iii) he is sarcastic



2. Why does the intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take on?

Answer: The intruder chooses Gerrard because he feels that they are similar to each other. As he has committed a murder, he plans to steal Gerrard’s identity and live peacefully.


3. “I said it with bullets.”
(i) Who says this?
(ii) What does it mean?
(iii) Is it the truth? What is the speaker’s reason for saying this?

i) Gerrard
ii) It means that when things went wrong, Gerrard had to kill a person.
iii) No, it is not the truth. Gerrard said this in order to escape being killed by the intruder.


4. What is Gerrard’s profession? Quote the parts of the play that support your answer.

Answer: Gerrard is a playwright. This is indicated from the following –
i) This is all very melodramatic, not very original
ii) At last a sympathetic audience
iii) In most melodramas the villain is foolish enough to delay his killing long enough to be frustrated. You are much luckier.
iv) I said, you were luckier than most melodramatic villains.
v) That’s a disguise outfit; false moustaches and what not.
vi) Sorry I can’t let you have the props in time for rehearsal, I’ve had a spot of bother — quite amusing. I think I’ll put it in my next play.



5. “You’ll soon stop being smart.”
(i) Who says this?
(ii) Why does the speaker say it?
(iii) What according to the speaker will stop Gerrard from being smart?

i) the intruder
ii) The intruder says this to scare Gerrard
iii) According to the intruder, when Gerrard would come to know that his aim was to kill him, he would get scared and stop being smart.



6. “They can’t hang me twice.”
(i) Who says this?
(ii) Why does the speaker say it?

i) the intruder
ii) The intruder says that he has committed a murder and Gerrard’s murder would be his second murder. He was not scared of being punished as already, he was to be hanged for the first murder and if he did one more, they would not hang him twice for committing two murders.



7. “A mystery I propose to explain.” What is the mystery the speaker proposes to explain?

Answer: Gerrard proposes that his lifestyle was mysterious as he did not meet many people and did not have any visitors. He proposed to explain the reason for his mysteriousness.



8. “This is your big surprise.”
(i) Where has this been said in the play?
(ii) What is the surprise?

i) This has been said twice in the play. Firstly, when the intruder reveals his plan to kill Gerrard. Secondly, by Gerrard when he reveals his false identity to the intruder.
ii) The intruder’s surprise is his intention of killing Gerrard. Gerrard’s surprise is his false identity.

Consult your dictionary and choose the correct word from the pairs given in brackets.

1. The (site, cite) of the accident was (ghastly/ghostly).
2. Our college (principle/principal) is very strict.
3. I studied (continuously/continually) for eight hours.
4. The fog had an adverse (affect/effect) on the traffic.
5. Cezanne, the famous French painter, was a brilliant (artist/artiste).
6. The book that you gave me yesterday is an extraordinary (collage/college) of
science fiction and mystery.
7. Our school will (host/hoist) an exhibition on cruelty to animals and wildlife
8. Screw the lid tightly onto the top of the bottle and (shake/shape) well before
using the contents.


1.     Site, ghastly

2.     Principal

3.     Continuously

4.     Effect

5.     Artist

6.     Collage

7.     Host

8.     shake

If I Were You Class 9 English Summary Question Answer NCERT Solutions


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