Active And Passive Voice Examples | How to change Voice

Active And Passive Voice Examples

Voice Meaning

The voice of a Verb describes the relationship between the Verb and the participants (Subject, Object etc.)

1.ACTIVE VOICE – When the subject is the agent or doer of the action, the verb is in the Active Voice.

2.PASSIVE VOICE – When the subject is the target or undergoes of the action, the verb is said to be in the Passive Voice.

Active and Passive Voice Rules

General Rules of Change of Voice –

1.The Object of the Active Voice is made Subject in the Passive Voice.

2.Auxiliary or helping Verb is used before V3 in Passive Voice.

3.Third form of the Verb (V3) is always used in the Passive Voice.

4.Generally ‘by’ is used before object in the Passive Voice.

5.The Subject of the Active Voice is made the Object in the Passive Voice.

Active and Passive Voice Examples With Answers

1.She eats an apple. - Active 

An apple is eaten by her. -Passive 

2.I write poems. - Active

Poems are written by me. -Passive

3.She has sung a song. - Active

A song has been sung by her. -Passive

Active and Passive Voice Exercises -

Active and Passive Voice examples for all tenses

1.Simple Present Tense/Present Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Sentence -

Active Voice – Subject + V1/V5 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + is/am/are + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i).Active Voice – Virat plays cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket is played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I cook food.

Passive Voice – Food is cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They sell books.

Passive Voice – Books are sold by them.

Negative Sentence -

Active Voice – Subject + do/does +not+ V1 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + is/am/are+not + be + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i).Active Voice – Monu does not play cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket is not played by Monu.

(ii)Active Voice – I do not cook food.

Passive Voice – Food is not cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They do not sell books.

Passive Voice – Books are not sold by them.

Interrogative Sentence -

Active Voice – Do/Does +Subject + V1 + Object

Passive Voice –  Is/Am/Are+Object  + be + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i).Active Voice – Does Monu play cricket?

Passive Voice – Is cricket played by Monu?

(ii)Active Voice – Do I cook food?

Passive Voice – Is food cooked by me?

(iii) Active Voice – Do they sell books?

Passive Voice – Are books sold by them?

2.Simple Past Tense/Past Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Sentence -

Active Voice – Subject + V2 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + was/were + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i).Active Voice – Virat played cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket was played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I cooked food.

Passive Voice – Food was cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They sold books.

Passive Voice – Books were sold by them.

Negative Sentence -

Active Voice – Subject + did +not+ V1 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + was/were+not + be + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i).Active Voice – Monu did not play cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket was not played by Monu.

(ii)Active Voice – I did not cook food.

Passive Voice – Food was not cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They did not sell books.

Passive Voice – Books were not sold by them.

Interrogative Sentence -

Active Voice – Did +Subject + V1 + Object

Passive Voice –  Was/Were+Object  + be + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

Examples -

(i).Active Voice – Did Monu play cricket?

Passive Voice – Was cricket played by Monu?

(ii)Active Voice – Did I cook food?

Passive Voice – Was food cooked by me?

(iii) Active Voice – Did they sell books?

Passive Voice – Were books sold by them?

3.Simple Future Tense/Future Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + shall/will + V1 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + shall/will + be + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i).Active Voice – Virat will play cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket will be played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I shall cook food.

Passive Voice – Food will be cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They will sell books.

Passive Voice – Books will be sold by them.

Negative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + shall/will +not+ V1 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + shall/will +not+ be + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i).Active Voice – Virat will not play cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket will not be played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I shall not cook food.

Passive Voice – Food will not be cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They will not sell books.

Passive Voice – Books will not be sold by them.

Interrogative Sentences

Active Voice –shall/will + Subject + V1 + Object

Passive Voice – shall/will + Object + be + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i).Active Voice –Will Virat  play cricket?

Passive Voice –Will cricket be played by Virat?

(ii)Active Voice – Shall I cook food?

Passive Voice – Will food be cooked by me?

(iii) Active Voice – Will they sell books?

Passive Voice – Will books be sold by them?

4.Present Continuous Tense/Present Imperfect Tense

Affirmative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + is/am/are + V4 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + is/am/are + being + V3+by+Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat is playing cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket is being played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I am cooking food.

Passive Voice – Food is being cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They are selling books.

Passive Voice – Books are being sold by them.

Negative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + is/am/are + not +V4 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + is/am/are +not + being + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat is not playing cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket is not being played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I am not cooking food.

Passive Voice – Food is not being cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They are selling books.

Passive Voice – Books are not being sold by them.

Interrogative Sentences

Active Voice –Wh...+Is/Am/Are + Subject + V4 + Object

Passive Voice – Wh...+ Is/Am/Are + Object + being + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Is Virat playing cricket?

Passive Voice – Is cricket being played by Virat?

(ii)Active Voice – Am I cooking food?

Passive Voice – Is food being cooked by me?

(iii) Active Voice – Are they selling books?

Passive Voice – Are books being sold by them?

5.Past Continuous Tense/Past Imperfect Tense

Affirmative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + was/were + V4 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + was/were + being + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat was playing cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket was being played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I was cooking food.

Passive Voice – Food was being cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They were selling books.

Passive Voice – Books were being sold by them.

Negative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + was/were +not + V4 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + was/were + not + being + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat was not playing cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket was not being played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I was not cooking food.

Passive Voice – Food was not being cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They were not selling books.

Passive Voice – Books were not being sold by them.

Interrogative Sentences

Active Voice –Wh...+ was/were + subject + V4 + Object

Passive Voice – Wh...+ was/were +Object + being + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice –Was Virat playing cricket?

Passive Voice – Was cricket being played by Virat?

(ii)Active Voice –Was I cooking food?

Passive Voice – Was food being cooked by me?

(iii) Active Voice – Were they selling books?

Passive Voice – Were books being sold by them?

6.Present Perfect Tense

Affirmative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + has/have + V3 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + has/have + been + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat has played cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket has been played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I have cooked food.

Passive Voice – Food has been cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They have sold books.

Passive Voice – Books have been sold by them.

Negative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + has/have +not+ V3 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + has/have + not+ been + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat has not played cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket has not been played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I have not cooked food.

Passive Voice – Food has not been cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They have not sold books.

Passive Voice – Books have not been sold by them.

Interrogative Sentences

Active Voice – Wh...+ has/have + Subject + V3 + Object+?

Passive Voice – Wh...+ has/have + Object + been + V3 + by + Subject+?

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Has Virat played cricket?

Passive Voice – Has cricket been played by Virat?

(ii)Active Voice – Have I cooked food?

Passive Voice – Has food been cooked by me?

(iii) Active Voice – Have they sold books?

Passive Voice – Have books been sold by them?

7.Past Perfect Tense

Affirmative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + had + V3 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + had + been + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat had played cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket had been played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I had cooked food.

Passive Voice – Food had been cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They had sold books.

Passive Voice – Books had been sold by them.

Negative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + had +not+ V3 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + had+ not+ been + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat had not played cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket had not been played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I had not cooked food.

Passive Voice – Food had not been cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They had not sold books.

Passive Voice – Books had not been sold by them.

Interrogative Sentences

Active Voice – Wh...+ had + Subject + V3 + Object+?

Passive Voice – Wh...+ had + Object + been + V3 + by + Subject+?

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Had Virat played cricket?

Passive Voice – Had cricket been played by Virat?

(ii)Active Voice – Had I cooked food?

Passive Voice – Had food been cooked by me?

(iii) Active Voice – Had they sold books?

Passive Voice – Had books been sold by them?

8.Future Perfect Tense

Affirmative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + shall/will + have + V3 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + shall/will + have + been + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat will have played cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket will have been played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I will have cooked food.

Passive Voice – Food will has been cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They will have sold books.

Passive Voice – Books will have been sold by them.

Negative Sentences

Active Voice – Subject + shall/will + not+have + V3 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + shall/will +not+ have + been + V3 + by + Subject

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Virat will not have played cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket will not have been played by Virat.

(ii)Active Voice – I will not have cooked food.

Passive Voice – Food will not has been cooked by me.

(iii) Active Voice – They will not have sold books.

Passive Voice – Books will not have been sold by them.

Interrogative Sentences

Active Voice –Wh...+ shall/will + Subject+ have + V3 + Object+?

Passive Voice – Wh...+ shall/will + Object + have + been + V3 + by + Subject+?

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – Will Virat have played cricket?

Passive Voice – Will cricket have been played by Virat?

(ii)Active Voice – Will I have cooked food?

Passive Voice – Will food have been cooked by me?

(iii) Active Voice – Will they have sold books?

Passive Voice – Will books have been sold by them?

Change of Voice Modals

Affirmative Sentences

Active Voice - Subject + Modal auxiliary + V1 + Object

Passive Voice – Object + Modal auxiliary + be + V3 + by + Subject

(i) Active Voice – We should help the poor.

Passive Voice – The poor should be helped by us.

(ii)Active Voice – Virat can play cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket can be played by Virat.

(iii) Active Voice – They must buy books.

Passive Voice – Books must be bought by them.

Change of Voice Infinitive ‘to’ – to + V1

Active Voice - Subject + helping verb + to + V1 + Object – 

Passive Voice – Object + helping verb + to + be + V3 + by + Object 

Examples -

(i) Active Voice – I am to write an article.

Passive Voice – An article is to be written by me.

(ii)Active Voice – Virat is to play cricket.

Passive Voice – Cricket is to be played by Virat.

(iii) Active Voice – They are to sell books.

Passive Voice – Books are to be sold by them.

Active and Passive Voice Exercise

Change into Passive Voice -

1.She eats an apple.

2.They are playing football.

3.I have finished my work.

4. You will give me a book.

5. Did you help them?

6.Who has written this book?

7.Mohan had written an article.

8.We shall plant trees.

9. You should help me.

10. Does he plant a tree?



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