The Great Stone Face 2 Chapter 10 Class 8 NCERT Solutions

 The Great Stone Face 2 Explanation

Writer -  Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Great Stone Face 2 Summary in English

The Great Stone Face 2 deals with Ernest's similarity to the Great Stone Face.

Ernest was different from others in the valley. He was a simple hearted, noble and thoughtful person. He was unlike other commoners in the valley.

One day a poet came to that valley.  He met Ernest and asked him to stay at his home. Ernest welcomed him.

The poet had celebrated the Great Stone Face in one of his poems. He wrote wonderful songs. His poems expressed great thought and ideas. So Ernest thought that the poet was like the Stone Face.

The poet himself said that he was not worthy to be compared with the Stone Face. His actions did not match with his thoughts.

The poet proclaimed that Ernest was the Stone Face. In the evening Ernest and the poet together went to the meeting place. Ernest addressed the gathering. His words had power and his thoughts had depth. His thoughts had power as they agreed with the life he lived. The selfless love and good deeds express purity of life. Ernest’s face had such a grand expression that made the poet proclaim Ernest was the Stone Face.

But, Ernest did not believe that the old prophecy had come true. He said that a man wiser and nobler than him would come one day and would truly similar to the Great Stone Face.

The Great Stone Face 2 Summary in Hindi

अर्नेस्ट घाटी में दूसरों से अलग था। वह एक सरल दिल, नेक और विचारशील व्यक्ति था। वह घाटी में अन्य आम लोगों के विपरीत था।

एक दिन एक कवि उस घाटी में आया। वह अर्नेस्ट से मिले और घर पर रहने के लिए कहा। अर्नेस्ट ने उसका स्वागत किया।

कवि ने अपनी एक कविता में ग्रेट स्टोन फेस के बारे में लिखा था। उसने अद्भुत गीत लिखे। उसने कविताओं में बहुत अच्छे विचार व्यक्त किए। इसलिए अर्नेस्ट ने सोचा कि कवि स्टोन फेस की तरह था।

कवि ने खुद कहा कि वह स्टोन फेस के साथ तुलना के लायक नहीं था। उसके व्यवहार उसके विचारों से मेल नहीं खाते थे।

कवि ने घोषणा की कि अर्नेस्ट स्टोन फेस की तरह था। शाम को अर्नेस्ट और कवि एक साथ बैठक स्थल पर गए। अर्नेस्ट ने सभा को संबोधित किया। उसके शब्दों में शक्ति थी और विचारों में गहराई थी। 

उसके विचारों में शक्ति थी क्योंकि वे उस जीवन से सहमत थे जो वे जीते थे। नि:स्वार्थ प्रेम और अच्छे कर्म जीवन की पवित्रता को व्यक्त करते हैं। अर्नेस्ट के चेहरे में इतनी भव्य अभिव्यक्ति थी जिससे कवि ने अर्नेस्ट को स्टोन फेस घोषित कर दिया।

लेकिन, अर्नेस्ट को विश्वास नहीं था कि पुरानी भविष्यवाणी सच हो गई। उन्होंने कहा कि उसके मुकाबले एक अधिक समझदार और उससे भी अच्छा आदमी एक दिन आएगा जो वास्तव में ग्रेट स्टोन फेस के समान होगा।

The Great Stone Face 2 Question Answers

The Great Stone Face II

NCERT Solutions for class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 9

Working With the Text

1.How was Ernest different from others in the valley?

Ans. – Ernest was a simple hearted, noble and thoughtful person. He was unlike other commoners in the valley.

2.Why did Ernest think the poet was like the Stone Face?

Ans. – The poet had celebrated the Great Stone Face in one of his poems. He wrote wonderful songs. His poems expressed great thought and ideas. So Ernest thought that the poet was like the Stone Face.

3.What did the poet himself say about his thoughts and poems?

Ans. –The poet himself said that he was not worthy to be compared with the Stone Face. His actions did not match with his thoughts.

4.What made the poet proclaim Ernest was the Stone Face?

Ans. – Ernest and the poet together went to the meeting place. Ernest addressed the gathering. His words and thoughts had power as they agreed with the life he lived. Ernest’s face had such a grand expression that made the poet proclaim Ernest was the Stone Face.

5.Write ‘Ernest’ or ‘Poet’ against each statement below.

(i) There was a gap between his life and his words.

Ans. - Poet

(ii) His words had the power of truth as they agreed with his thoughts.

Ans. - Ernest

(iii) His words were as soothing as a heavenly song but only as useful as a vague dream.

Ans. - Poet

(iv) His thoughts were worthy.

Ans. - Poet

(v) Whatever he said was truth itself

Ans. - Ernest

(vi) His poems were noble.

Ans. - Poet

(vii) His life was nobler than all the poems.

Ans. - Ernest

(viii) He lacked faith in his own thoughts.

Ans. - Poet

(ix) His thoughts had power as they agreed with the life he lived.

Ans. – Ernest

(x) Greatness lies in truth. Truth is best expressed in one’s actions. He was truthful, therefore he was great.

Ans. – Ernest

  1. (i) Who, by common consent, turned out to be like the Great Stone Face?

Ans. –Ernest was turned out to be like the Great Stone Face by common consent.

(ii) Did Ernest believe that the old prophecy had come true? What did he say about it?

Ans. – No, Ernest did not believe that the old prophecy had come true. He said that a man wiser and nobler than him would come one day and would truly similar to the Great Stone Fane.

The Great Stone Face 2 Moral

The selfless love and good deeds express purity of life.

Great Stone Face Extra Questions and Answers

1.Why Ernest spend hours gazing at Great Stone Face?

Ernest had no teacher and he did not go to a proper school. He had taken the Great Stone Face to be his teacher. After work, he would keep gazing at the face of the Great Stone Face for hours and derived encouragement and kindness from the gentle features of his face.

2.What is the significance of Great Stone Face?

The Great Stone Face represents divinity, a massive godlike face that looks protectively down on the people of the valley. It's important that this is a natural formation. 

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