The Great Stone Face 1 Chapter 9 Class 8 NCERT Solutions

 The Great Stone Face 1 Summary in English

The Great Stone Face was a work of nature. It was formed by some immense rocks gathered around a mountain. When viewed at a proper distance they resembled the features of a human face.

Young Ernest used to watch it sitting at the door of the cottage with his mother. When young Ernest gazed at it, he wished that it could speak in a pleasant voice. He also wished that he would ever meet such a kind and noble man similar to Great Stone Face.

The story attributed to the Stone Face was that at some future day, a child would be born near there, and he would be the greatest and noblest person of his time. His face would be similar to the Great Stone.

A rumour went throughout the valley that the great man who bears a resemblance to the Great Face had appeared at last. It was a rich merchant named Gathergold who had left valley many years ago. He decided to come back his motherland.

Ernest did not see in Gathergold the likeness of the Great Stone. He confided in the Great Stone Face. Gathergold died and his wealth and gold had already disappeared. People agreed that he had no resemblance with the Great Stone.

After that General Blood-and-Thunder came. He was a famous commander. He wished to return to his native valley. He was old and tired. It was being said that at last the likeness of the Great Stone had actually appeared.

People gathered to welcome him. He was coming. When Ernest compared the man’s face with the Stone Face, he concluded that there was no resemblance. Ernest could not recognise if there was such a likeness as the crowd proclaimed.

The Great Stone seemed to suggest that Ernest should not lose heart. The man who resembled the Great Stone Face would come one day.

The Great Stone Face 1 Summary in Hindi

' ग्रेट स्टोन फेस' प्रकृति का एक काम था। यह एक पहाड़ के चारों ओर एकत्रित कुछ विशाल चट्टानों द्वारा बनाई गई थी। उचित दूरी पर देखे जाने पर वे एक मानव चेहरे की विशेषताओं से मिलते जुलते थे।

यंग अर्नेस्ट इसे अपनी मां के साथ झोपड़ी के दरवाजे पर बैठे देखता था। जब अर्नेस्ट ने इसे देखा, तो उसने चाहा कि यह एक सुखद आवाज़ में बोल सकता है। उसने यह भी चाहा कि वह कभी ग्रेट स्टोन फेस के समान एक ऐसे व्यक्ति से मिलेंगे।

स्टोन फेस के  कहानी यह थी कि भविष्य के किसी दिन, एक बच्चा वहाँ पैदा होगा, और वह अपने समय का सबसे बड़ा और कुलीन व्यक्ति होगा। उसका चेहरा ग्रेट स्टोन फेस के समान होगा।

एक अफवाह पूरे घाटी में चली कि एक महान व्यक्ति जो ग्रेट स्टोन फेस के समान है, वह दिखाई दिया। यह एक अमीर व्यापारी था जिसका नाम गैदरगोल्ड था जो कई साल पहले घाटी छोड़ गया था। उन्होंने अपनी मातृभूमि वापस आने का फैसला किया।

अर्नेस्ट ने ग्रेट स्टोन फेस की समानता को गैदरगोल्ड में नहीं देखा। उन्होंने ग्रेट स्टोन फेस में विश्वास किया। गैदरगोल्ड की मृत्यु हो गई और उसका धन और सोना पहले ही गायब हो गया। लोग सहमत थे कि ग्रेट स्टोन फेस के साथ उनका कोई मेल नहीं था।

उसके बाद जनरल ब्लड-एंड-थंडर आए। वह एक प्रसिद्ध सेनापति था। वह अपने वतन लौटने की कामना करता है। वह बूढ़ा और थका हुआ था। कहा जा रहा था कि आखिरकार ग्रेट स्टोन फेस की समानता वास्तव में दिखाई दी।

लोग उनका स्वागत करने के लिए इकट्ठा हुए। वह रहा था। जब अर्नेस्ट ने पत्थर के चेहरे के साथ सेनापति के चेहरे की तुलना की, तो उसने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि कोई समानता नहीं थी। 

ग्रेट स्टोन फेस को लगता है कि अर्नेस्ट को हार नहीं माननी चाहिए। ग्रेट स्टोन फेस जैसा दिखने वाला आदमी एक दिन आएगा।

The Great Stone Face Questions Answers

NCERT Solutions for class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 9

Q.1 Write ’True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following statement –

1.The Great Stone Face stood near where Ernest and his mother lived.

Ans. - False

2.One would clearly distinguish the features of the Stone Face only from a distance.-

Ans. - True

3.Ernest loved his mother and helped her in her work.-

Ans. - True

4.Though not very rich, Gathergold was a skilled merchant.-

Ans. - False

5.Gathergold died in poverty and neglect.-

Ans. - True

6.The Great Stone Face seemed to suggest that Ernest should not fear the general.-

Ans. - True

Working with the Text

1. (i)What was the Great Stone Face?

Ans. – The Great Stone Face was a work of nature. It was formed by some immense rocks gathered around a mountain. When viewed at a proper distance they resembled the features of a human face.

(ii)What did young Ernest wish when he gazed at it?

Ans. - when young Ernest gazed at it, he wished that it could speak in a pleasant voice. He also wished that he would ever meet such a man similar to Great Stone Face.

2.What was the story attributed to the Stone Face?

Ans. - The story attributed to the Stone Face was that at some future day, a child would be born near there, and he would be the greatest and noblest person of his time. His face would be similar to the Great Stone Face.

3.What gave the people of the valley the idea that the prophecy was about to come true for the first time?

Ans. – A rumour went throughout the valley that the great man who bears a resemblance to the Great Stone Face had appeared at last. It was a rich merchant named Gathergold who had left valley many years ago. He decided to come back his motherland.

4.(i) Did Ernest see in Gathergold the likeness of the Stone Face?

Ans. – No, Ernest did not see in Gathergold the likeness of the Stone Face.

(ii)Who did he confide in and how was he proved right?

Ans. – He confided in the Stone Face. Gathergold died and his wealth and gold had already disappeared. People agreed that he had no resemblance with the Stone Face.

7.(i)What made people believe General Blood-and-Thunder was their man?

Ans. - General Blood-and-Thunder was a famous commander. He wished to returned to his native valley. He was old and tired. It was being said that at last the likeness of the Stone Face had actually appeared.

(ii). What did he conclude?Ernest compared the man’s face with the Stone Face

Ans. – When Ernest compared the man’s face with the Stone Face, he concluded that there was no resemblance. Ernest could not recognise if there was such a likeness as the crowd proclaimed.

Working With Language

1.Write the noun forms of the following words by adding –ness or –ity to them appropriately. Check the spelling of the new words.

(i) lofty –loftiness

(ii)able - ability

(iii)happy – happiness

(iv)near – nearness

(v)noble – nobility

(vi) enormous – enormity

(vii)pleasant – pleasantness

(viii)dense – density

(ix)great – greatness

(x) stable – stability

2.Add –ly to each of the following adjectives, then use them to fill in the blanks.

(i)Why didn’t you turn up at the meeting? We all were ……..waiting for you.

Ans. – eagerly

(ii)……..write your name and address in capital letters.

Ans. – Kindly

(iii)I was………surprised to see him at the railway station. I thought he was not coming.

Ans. – pleasantly

(iv)He fell over the step and ……..broke his arm.

Ans. – nearly.

3.Complete each sentences below using the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.-

(i)I………(phone) you when I……(get) home from school.

Ans. – will phone, will get

(ii)Hurry up! Madam ……….(be) annoyed if we………(be) late.

Ans. – will be, are

(iii)If it …..(rain) today, we……(not) go to play.

Ans. – rains ,will not go

(iv) When you …..(see) Mandal again, you……(not recognise) him. He is growing a beard.

Ans. – see, will not recognise

(v)We are off today. We……..(write) to you after we…….(be) back.

Ans. – will write, will be


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