The Comet 2 Summary Chapter 10 Class 8 English NCERT Solutions

The Comet 2 Summary in English

After deliberations Sir John dropped him at his hotel off Regent Street. It was 1 a.m. When James looked up from his window the star-studded sky greeted him. He could not believe that any the calamity of the future could happen on such a peaceful night. So he became doubtful about his calculations.

The scientists at the conference found that James’s calculations were correct. The new comet would collide with the earth. Some action was needed to avoid it.

The scientists had two options. The defensive measure was that the people should live in bunkers. The offensive action was to do something to deflect the comet from its path by exploding a nuclear payload near the comet.

Finally a time-table was drawn up for the operation which was code-named ‘Project Light Brigade’.

On October 10 they would dispatch the spacecraft with the payload.

On November 15 Rendezvous with the comet and detonation of the payload.

On December 15, if the experiment failed this was the day the comet would hit the Earth. If it succeeded, the comet would pass by at a near but safe distance.

’Project Light Brigade’ refers to the plan to divert the comet from its path by launching a spacecraft and explode the nuclear device near the comet.

Sir John was not sure about the safety of the earth. By December 15 it would be clear that the comet would not collide with the earth.

Duttada and Sir John became a good friend.

Duttada returned home. Duttada was expected to take part in a Shanti Yajna. Duttada became angry and called it just a silly superstition.Khokha, his 8 year old grandson performed the Yajna.

Duttada got a letter in which Sir John indicated that the Project Light Brigade was successful.

Sir John said, “The charge of the light Brigade has begun. Let us hope for the best.” Now Sir John was going to buy Christmas presents on December 15.

According to Indrani Debi the comet could not harm the earth beacause of the Yajna performed at their house.

Dattada was unable to understand the gap between the rational and the superstitious.

The Comet 2 Summary in Hindi

विचार-विमर्श के बाद सर जॉन ने दत्तादा को रीजेंट स्ट्रीट के होटल में पहुंचा दिया। यह 1 बजे था जब जेम्स ने अपनी खिड़की से देखा। तारों वाले आकाश ने उसे बधाई दी। वह विश्वास नहीं कर सकता था कि भविष्य की कोई भी आपदा इतनी शांतिपूर्ण रात को हो सकती है। इसलिए वह अपनी गणना के बारे में संदिग्ध हो गया।

सम्मेलन में वैज्ञानिकों ने पाया कि जेम्स की गणना सही थी। नया धूमकेतु पृथ्वी से टकराएगा। इससे बचने के लिए कुछ कार्रवाई की आवश्यकता थी।

वैज्ञानिकों के पास दो विकल्प थे। रक्षात्मक उपाय यह था कि लोगों को बंकरों में रहना चाहिए। आक्रामक कार्रवाई धूमकेतु के पास एक परमाणु पेलोड में विस्फोट करके धूमकेतु से बचाने के लिए कुछ करना था।

अंत में ऑपरेशन के लिए एक टाइम-टेबल तैयार किया गया, जिसे कोड-प्रोजेक्ट ade प्रोजेक्ट लाइट ब्रिगेडनाम दिया गया था।

10 अक्टूबर को वे पेलोड के साथ अंतरिक्ष यान को रवाना करेंगे।

15 नवंबर को पेलोड धूमकेतु के पास पहुंचेगा

15 दिसंबर को, यदि प्रयोग विफल रहा तो यही वह दिन था जब धूमकेतु पृथ्वी से टकराएगा। यदि यह सफल रहा, तो धूमकेतु निकट लेकिन सुरक्षित दूरी से गुजर जाएगा।

'प्रोजेक्ट लाइट ब्रिगेड' अंतरिक्ष यान को प्रक्षेपित करके धूमकेतु को अपने रास्ते से हटाने और धूमकेतु के पास परमाणु उपकरण को विस्फोट करने की योजना को संदर्भित करता है।

सर जॉन पृथ्वी की सुरक्षा के बारे में निश्चित नहीं थे। 15 दिसंबर तक यह स्पष्ट हो जाएगा कि धूमकेतु पृथ्वी से टकराएगा या नहीं।

दत्त और सर जॉन एक अच्छे दोस्त बन गए।

दत्तदा घर लौट आए। दत्तदा से शांति यज्ञ में भाग लेने की अपेक्षा की गई थी। दत्तदा क्रोधित हो गए और इसे सिर्फ एक मूर्खतापूर्ण अंधविश्वास कहा। खोखो, उनके 8 वर्षीय पोते ने यज्ञ किया।

दत्तदा को एक पत्र मिला जिसमें सर जॉन ने संकेत दिया कि प्रोजेक्ट लाइट ब्रिगेड सफल था। सर जॉन ने कहा, “प्रोजेक्ट लाइट ब्रिगेड शुरू हो गया है। चलो सबसे अच्छे के लिए आशा करते हैं।" अब सर जॉन 15 दिसंबर को क्रिसमस उपहार खरीदने जा रहे थे।

इंद्राणी देबी के अनुसार धूमकेतु उनके घर पर किए गए यज्ञ के पृथ्वी को नुकसान नहीं पहुंचा सकता था।

दत्तादा तर्कसंगत और अंधविश्वासी के बीच के अंतर को समझने में असमर्थ थे।

The Comet 2 Question Answer

Comprehension Check

1.”For a moment James wonders if he had done his sums right.” Why was James doubtful about his sums and calculations?

Ans. – James looked up the star-studded sky from his window. He could not believe that any untoward event could happen on such a peaceful night. So he became doubtful about his calculations.

2.What did the scientists at the conference say about James’s ‘sums’?

Ans.- The scientists at the conference said that James calculations were correct. The new comet would collide with the earth.

3.Immediate action was needed, the scientists decided. Give one example each of ‘defensive’ and ‘offensive’ action mentioned in the text.

Ans.- The scientists had two options. The defensive measure was that the people should live in bunkers. The offensive action was to do something to deflect the comet from its path by exploding a nuclear payload near the comet.

4.”I am not buying any Christmas presents till December 15.” What did Sir John mean by that?

Ans. – Sir John was not sure about the safety of the earth. By December 15 it would be clear that the comet would not collide  with the earth.

Comprehension Check

1.What is Duttada expected to do on his return from London?

Ans.- Duttada was expected to take part in a Shanti Yajna on his return from London.

2.What is his reaction to the proposal?

Ans.- Duttada became angry and called it just a silly superstition.

3.(i) What does ‘Project Light Brigade’ refer to?

Ans.- ’Project Light Brigade’ refers to the plan to divert the comet from its path By launching a spacecraft and explode the nuclear device near the comet.

(ii) What does Sir John say about the Project in his letter to Duttada in October?

Ans.- Sir John said, “The charge of the light Brigade has begun Let us hope for the best.”

4.Did Sir John buy Christmas presents on December 15? How did Duttada get to know about it?

Ans.- Yes, Sir John was going to buy Christmas presents on December 15. Duttada got to know it from the letter in which Sir John indicated that the Project Light Brigade was successful.

5.Why, according to Indrani Debi, had the comet not been disastrous ?Do you agree with her?

Ans.- According to Indrani Debi the comet could not harm the earth because of the Yajna performed at their house.

I don’t agree with her.

6.Is Duttada’s general outlook

(i) rational?

(ii) Moral?

(iii) traditional?

Choose the right word. Say why you think it right.

Ans. - Duttada’s general outlook was rational because he had a scientific temper. He went by reason not by custom or morality.

The Comet 2 Class 8

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