An Alien Hand Class 7 English NCERT Solutions

An Alien Hand Class 7 English NCERT Solutions

An Alien Hand Summary in English

An Alien Hand deals with Viking Missions that were launched to Mars by NASA to find out if it is possible to have life on Mars.

Tilloo and his parents lived on the Mars. The climate on there became too hot and the temperature rose too high which upset the balance of nature on the planet. This climatic changes forced people to live in underground homes.

When Tiloo’s father was enjoying a siesta Tilloo got his secret card of password and managed to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’.

Tilloo hoped to see the if it was day ir the stars if if it was night. He has heard and read about the sun and the stars. He has never seen them. But, he was caught by security staff and sent back to his home.

Tilloo’s mother was angry. Tilloo’s father advises him not to try to reach the surface of the planet. An ordinary person could not survive on the there. The environment was not suitable. The air was so thing to breathe and the temperature was so low that it would make freeze to death.

First the birds became extinct, then animals and fish. They were managed to survive only because of the superior technology. But they were forced to live in underground homes.

The big TV screen showed a dot which was coming towards the planet. It was an alien spacecraft. Everyone in the Control Room was greatly excited.

According to the Number One, scientist, the spacefraft was unmanned. It had only instruments to work on.

Number One suggested that they should wait for the spacecraft to land. They can render them ineffective at any time after landing.

Number two suggested that they should observe passively and know their power.They should not reveal their existence there.

Tilloo and his father came to the Control Room. Tilloo in his excitement pressed the important red button in the panel and then the mechanical hand from the spacecraft stops working.

A scientist from NASA on the Earth release a press for the Viking Mission that the mechanical hand dig out the Martian soil for examination but developed a malfunction.

Tilloo’s father restored the red button to neutral position.

And after sometime another press released that it was sort out. The mechanical bent and touch the soil. The Viking Mission found no signs of life on Mars.

An Alien Hand Summary in Hindi

नासा द्वारा मंगल पर वाइकिंग मिशन शुरू किए गए ताकि यह पता लगाया जा सके कि क्या मंगल ग्रह पर जीवन होना संभव है।

टिल्लू और उसके माता-पिता मंगल ग्रह पर रहते थे। वहां की जलवायु बहुत गर्म हो गई और तापमान बहुत अधिक बढ़ गया जिससे प्रकृति का संतुलन बिगड़ गया। इस जलवायु परिवर्तन ने लोगों को भूमिगत घरों में रहने के लिए मजबूर किया।

जब टिल्लू के पिता एक नींद का आनंद ले रहे थे, तब टिल्लू को उनके गुप्त कार्ड का पासवर्ड मिल गया और वहनिषिद्ध मार्गका रास्ता खोजने में सफल रहे।

टिल्लू यह देखने की उम्मीद करता था कि अगर यह रात होती तो सितारें होते और दिन होता तो सूरज होता। उसने सूरज और सितारों के बारे में सुना और पढ़ा है। उसने उन्हें कभी नहीं देखा। लेकिन, उसे सुरक्षा कर्मचारियों ने पकड़ लिया और घर वापस भेज दिया।

टिल्लू की माँ गुस्से में थी। टिल्लू के पिता ने उसे ग्रह की सतह तक पहुँचने की कोशिश करने की सलाह दी। एक सामान्य व्यक्ति वहाँ पर जीवित नहीं रह सकता था। पर्यावरण उपयुक्त नहीं था। सांस लेने के लिए हवा इतनी कम थी और तापमान इतना कम था कि इससे मौत हो जाती थी।

पहले पक्षी विलुप्त हो गए, फिर पशु और मछली। वे केवल बेहतर तकनीक के कारण जीवित रहने में कामयाब रहे। लेकिन वे भूमिगत घरों में रहने को मजबूर थे।

बड़े टीवी स्क्रीन पर एक बिंदु दिखाई दिया जो मंगल ग्रह की ओर रहा था। यह एक विदेशी अंतरिक्ष यान था, यह पृथ्वी के नासा से रहा था। कंट्रोल रूम में सभी लोग बहुत उत्साहित थे।

नंबर वन, वैज्ञानिक के अनुसार, अंतरिक्ष यान मानव रहित था। इस पर काम करने के लिए केवल साधन थे। नंबर एक ने सुझाव दिया कि उन्हें अंतरिक्ष यान के उतरने का इंतजार करना चाहिए। वे लैंडिंग के बाद किसी भी समय उन्हें अप्रभावी कर सकते हैं।

नंबर दो ने सुझाव दिया कि उन्हें निष्क्रिय रूप से निरीक्षण करना चाहिए और उनकी शक्ति को जानना चाहिए। उन्हें अपने अस्तित्व को प्रकट नहीं करना चाहिए।

टिल्लू और उसके पिता नियंत्रण कक्ष में आए। टिल्लू ने अपनी उत्तेजना में पैनल में महत्वपूर्ण लाल बटन दबाया और फिर अंतरिक्ष यान से यांत्रिक हाथ काम करना बंद कर देता है।

पृथ्वी पर नासा के एक वैज्ञानिक ने वाइकिंग मिशन के लिए एक प्रेस जारी किया कि यांत्रिक हाथ ने परीक्षा के लिए मार्टियन मिट्टी खोद ली लेकिन एक खराबी हो गई। 

टिल्लू के पिता ने लाल बटन को सही स्थिति में किया। 

और कुछ समय बाद नासा ने एक और प्रेस जारी किया कि इसे सुलझा लिया गया। 

यांत्रिक हाथ झुकता है और मिट्टी को छूता है। वाइकिंग मिशन को मंगल ग्रह पर जीवन के कोई संकेत नहीं मिले।

An Alien Hand Question Answer


1.How does Tilloo manage to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’?

Ans. – When Tilloo’s father was enjoying a siesta Tilloo got his secret card and managed to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’.

2.What did Tilloo hope to see once he emerged from his underground home?

Ans. -  Tilloo hoped to see the sun if it was day or the stars if it was night.

3.Why did Tilloo’s father advise him not to try to reach the surface of the planet?

Ans. – An ordinary person could not survive on there. The environment was not suitable. The air was too thin to breathe and the temperature was so low that it would make freeze to death. So Tilloo’s father advised him not to try to reach the surface of the planet

4.What changes had occurred which forced people to live in underground homes?

Ans. – The temperature rose too high which upset the balance of nature on planet. This climatic change forced people to live in underground homes.


1.Why was everyone in the Control Room greatly excited?

Ans. – In the Control Room the big TV screen showed a dot which was coming towards the planet. So everyone in the Control Room was greatly excited.

2.Was the spacecraft manned or unmanned? How do you know it?

Ans. – According to the Number One, scientist, the spacecraft was unmanned. It had only instruments to work on.

3.What did Number One and Number Two suggest should be done about the alien spacecraft?

Ans. – Number One suggested that they should wait for the spacecraft to land. They can render them ineffective at any time after landing.

Number two suggested that they should observe passively and know their power.They should not reveal their existence there.


1.What do you think “the mechanical hand” was trying to do?

Ans. – The “mechanical hand” was trying to dig out the soil from the surface of Mars for biological experiment.

2.Tilloo pressed the red button and “the damage was done”, What was the damage?

Ans. – When Tilloo pressed the red button the mechanical hand stopped working.

3.Where had the spacecraft come from?

Ans. - The spacecraft had come from the Earth.

4.On which planet do Tilloo and his parents live?

Ans. - Tilloo and his parents lived on the Mars.


An Alien Hand Class 7 Video


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