A Bicycle in Good Repair Class 7 English NCERT SOLUTIONS


A Bicycle in Good Repair    Writer Jerome K Jerome

A Bicycle in Good Repair Story

A Bicycle in Good Repair Summary in English

A Bicycle in Good Repair is written by Jerome K Jerome. The author and his friend planned to go on a bicycle ride. Early morning he got up. His friend came half an hour late.

His friend shook the bicycle violently. Then he asked a hammer. The writer went to tool shed to bring a hammer.

when he returned from the tool shed. He found the front wheel fixed between his friend’s legs. The remaining parts were lying on the gravel path beside him.

After then, he took out the gear case and broke into two pieces but he could not fix it back.

The ball bearing of the bicycle got shattered on the way. Both of them discovered them and then the writer put them in his hat.

He tightened the chain so much that it didn’t move. He then loosened it twice. He knows what he is doing and is absolutely sure it is good.

There was a rough and tumble fight between him and machine. One moment the bicycle was on the gravel path and he on top of it; the next he on the gravel path and the bicycle on him.

It was difficult to say who had received most punishment; the bicycle or the man.

At last, the man cleaned himself and he was sent back to his home.

Summary of A Bicycle in Good Repair in Hindi

A Bicycle in Good Repair को जेरोम के जेरोम ने लिखा है। लेखक और उसके दोस्त ने साइकिल की सवारी पर जाने की योजना बनाई। सुबह लेखक जल्दी उठ गया। उसका दोस्त आधे घंटे लेट आया।

उसके दोस्त ने साइकिल को हिंसक तरीके से हिलाया। फिर उसने एक हथौड़ा पूछा। लेखक हथौड़ा लाने के लिए टूल शेड में गया।

जब वह टूल शेड से लौटा। उसने अपने मित्र के पैरों के बीच सामने का पहिया पाया। शेष भाग उसके बगल में बजरी के रास्ते पर पड़े थे।

लेकिन उसने गियर को निकालकर उसके दो टुकड़े कर दिए। लेकिन वह उसे वापस नहीं ले पाया। सायकिल के बाॅल बियरिंग रास्ते में बिखर गया। दोनों ने उसे खोजा और फिर लेखक हैट को उलटकर उसमें रख दिया।

उसने साइकिल के चेन को इतना कस दिया कि यह आगे नहीं बढ़ा। फिर उसने इसे  दुगुना ढीला कर दिया। वह जानता है कि वह क्या कर रहा है और पूरी तरह सुनिश्चित है कि यह अच्छा है।

उसके और मशीन के बीच एक अच्छा झगड़ा हुआ था। एक क्षण साइकिल बजरी के रास्ते पर थी और वह उसके ऊपर; अगले क्षण वह बजरी पथ और साइकिल उस पर।

यह कहना मुश्किल था कि किसने सबसे अधिक सजा पाई; साइकिल या आदमी ने।

अंत में, आदमी ने खुद को साफ किया और लेखक ने उसे अपने घर वापस भेज दिया गया।

A Bicycle in Good Repair solution

A Bicycle in Good Repair class 7 Questions and answers

Comprehension Check

1.”I got up early, for me.” It implies that

Ans. – (ii) he was a late riser.

2.The bicycle “goes easily enough in the morning and a little stiffy after lunch.” The remark is

Ans. – (i) humorous

3.The friend shook the bicycle violently. Find two or three sentences in the text which express the author’s disapproval of it.

Ans. – These sentences express the author’s disapproval of it-

  • “Don’t do that, you’ll hurt it”
  • “It doesn’t if you don’t it.”
  • “Don’t you trouble about it any more; you will make yourself tired.”

4….if not, it would make a serious difference to the machine.” What does it refer to?

Ans.  “It” refers to ball bearings.

Working With The Text

1.Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your opinion? Give a reason for your answer.

Ans. – In my opinion the front wheel wobbled only when the person made it wobbled. The front wheel was in good condition.

2.In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed?

Ans.- The author found the front wheel fixed between his friend’s legs. The remaining parts were lying on the gravel path beside him.

3.”Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case.” Modify this sentence in the light of what actually happens.

Ans. – The authors friend took out the gear case and broke in two pieces but he could not fix it back.

4.What special treatment did the chain receive?

Ans.- At first, the person tightened it so much that it didn’t move. He then loosened it twice.

5.The friend has two qualities-he knows what he is doing and is absolutely sure it is good. Find the two phrases in the text which mean the same.

Ans.- (i. Cherry confidence and (ii) Inexplicable hopefulness.

6.Describe ‘the fight’ between the man and the machine. Find the relevant sentences in the text and write them.

Ans. – There was a rough and tumble fight between him and machine. One moment the bicycle was on the gravel path and he on top of it; the next he on the gravel path and the bicycle on him.


A Bicycle in Good Repair Question answer

A Bicycle in Good Repair solution Extra Questions

 1. Who has written 'A Bicycle in Good Repair '?

Ans.- Jerome K Jerome.

2. Was the bicycle in bad condition?

Ans. - No, The bicycle was new and in good condition.

 3. What happened with the bicycle?

Ans.- The bicycle was repaired by the man and got a bad condition.

 4. Did the author and his friend go for a bicycle ride?

Ans.- No, They could not go for a bicycle ride.

 A Bicycle in Good Repair Moral

 5. Write the moral of A Bicycle in Good Repair.

Ans- It is right to protect your property. Say 'no' with firmly if anyone does mischief.


A Bicycle in Good Repair Class 7 English NCERT SOLUTIONS



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