Kathmandu Class 9 English NCERT Solutions | Kathmandu Questions and Answers

Kathmandu Class 9 English NCERT Solutions

Kathmandu Class 9 English NCERT Solutions | Kathmandu Questions and Answers

I. Answer these questions in one or two words or in short phrases.

1.     Name the two temples the author visited in Kathmandu.

Answer - Pashupatinath and Baudhnath stupa.

2.     The writer says, “All this I wash down with Coca Cola.” What does ‘all this’ refer to ?

.    Answer - It is : com-on-the-cob and marzipan.

3.     What does Vikram Seth compare to the quills of a porcupine ?

.     Answer - He compares flutes tied on the top of the flute seller’s pole to the quills of a porcupine.

4.     Name five kinds of flutes.

      Answer - : 1. The reed neh, the recorder, 2. the Japanese shakuhachi, 3. the deep bansuri,4. the breathy flutes of South America, 5. the high-pitched Chinese flutes.

II. Answer each question in a short paragraph.

1. What difference does the author note between the flute seller and the other hawkers ?
What is the difference between the behavior of the flute seller and that of the other hawkers ? 

Answer – Other sellers cry out their wares to sell. But the flute seller sells his wares in meditatively and comfortably.

2. What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kaliyug ?

Answer –  It is that when the small shrine on Bagmati river comes out fully, the goddess inside will escape. Then the Kaliyug will end on the earth.

3. The author has drawn powerful images and pictures. Pick out three examples each of

(i) the atmosphere of‘febrile confusion’ outside the temple of Pashupatinath (for example: some people trying to get the priest’s attention are elbowed aside…)

Answer – Monkeys fight among themselves. They jump on to a shivalinga. They run round the temples. They make a noise and show their teeth. Priests, hawkers, devotees, cows, pigeons, dogs roam here and there.

(ii) the things he sees

Answer – The author sees people, animals and birds roaming here and there. A princess of the Nepalese royal house appears. All bow and make way. He also sees a party of saffron-clad Westerners. They struggle to enter the temple.

(iii) the sounds he hears.

Answer – He hears the sounds of songs. Cows low and vendors shout out their wares. He hears these sounds. He finds the flute sound of the flute seller sweet and melodious

III. Answer the following questions in not more than 100-150 words each.

1.     Compare and contrast the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath shrine with the Pashupatinath temple. (CBSE) (Imp.)
How does Vikram Seth find the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath stupa quite in contrast to that of the Pashupatinath shrine ? (CBSE)

Answer –. The atmosphere in and around Baudhnath shrine offers a contrast’to that of the Pashupatinath temple. At Pashupatinath, the atmosphere is of febrile confusion. But at Baudhnath stupa there is stillness. At the road outside the Pashupatinath temple, it is all disorder and disquiet. Monkeys fight and chase each other. One monkey jumps on to a shivalinga. On the other hand, the big dome of Baudhnath stupa is ringed by a road. But there are no crowds there.

2.How does the author describe Kathmandu’s busiest streets ?
What observations does the author make about the Kathmandu bazaar ? (CBSE)

Answer – The streets of Kathmandu are full of life. These are full of small shops and vendors. They sell things of tourists’ interest. There are fruit sellers, flute sellers, hawkers of picture postcards and shops. These shops sell Western cosmetics. There is much noise. Radios blare out film music, car horns sound and bicycle bells ring. Stray cows low. Vendors shout out their wares. The author bought a roasted corn. He also bought a sweet dish, an orange drink and coca- cola. In fact, the bazaar is like a fair.

3. “To hear any flute is to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind.” Why does the author say this ?

Answer – The author says so due to various reasons. For him flute music is the most universal. It is also the most particular of sounds. The flute seller doesn’t sell one type of flutes only. Every culture has its own flute. They are different from each other. The flute seller does not shout out his wares. He simply plays different tunes on his flute. When he plays, the sound affects each and everyone. It touches everyone’s heart. So that way the author is drawn into the commonality of all mankind.

Kathmandu Class 9 Word Meaning

proclaim: make known publicly or officially, घोषणा करना: सार्वजनिक रूप से या आधिकारिक रूप से ज्ञात करना

febrile confusion: hurried activity; complete chaosI.  जल्दबाजी की गतिविधि; पूर्ण अराजकता I

shrine: a place of worship, तीर्थ: पूजा का स्थान

haven: a safe place, स्वर्ग, एक सुरक्षित स्थान

marzipan: a sweet made with grated almond , मार्जिपन: कद्दूकस किए हुए बादाम से बनी मिठाई

brazier: open stove , ब्रेज़ियर: खुला चूल्हा

nauseating: sickening, जी मिचलाना: बीमार करना

per-se: by itself, अपने आप से

meditatively: thoughtfully , ध्यानपूर्वक: सोच-समझकर

offhanded: casual; not showing much interest in something, अपमानजनक: आकस्मिक; किसी चीज में ज्यादा दिलचस्पी नहीं दिखाना

fingering: way of placing the fingers to play different notes , अलग-अलग नोट्स चलाने के लिए उंगलियों को रखने का तरीका


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