Conjunctions Definition with Conjunctions Examples

 Conjunctions Definition  with Conjunctions Examples

Conjunctions are linking words. They join together words, phrases, clauses and sentences.

Conjunctions Examples

1. Mohan and Sohan are brothers.

(here ‘and’ is conjunction that joins two words – Mohan...Sohan)

2. Early to bed and early to rise.

(here ‘and’ is conjunction that joins two phrases ‘early to bed, early to rise)

3. God made the country and man made the town.

(here ‘and’ is conjunction that joins two clauses/sentences –

God made the country ii. man made the town.

Conjunctions Kinds

Conjunctions are sub-divided into two main classes -

(i) Co-ordinating Conjunctions 

(ii) Sub-ordinating Conjunctions 

(i) Co-ordinating Conjunctions -

‘Co-ordinate’ means of equal rank. So the conjunctions joining two independent statements or clauses of equal rank are called Co-ordinate Conjunctions.

Co-ordinating Conjunctions are further divided into four sub-types :-

(i) Comulative Conjunctions –

Comulative Conjunctions are used to add a statement with another statement.

Conjunctions Words -

and, too, also, as well as are Comulative Conjunctions.

Conjunctions Examples

1.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

2.Sheas well as her sister is very intelligent.

3.Rahul plays cricket, he plays football too.

4.His father scolded him, he also forbade him to out.

(ii) Alternative or Disjunctive Conjunctions

which express a choice between two alternatives.

Conjunctions Words -

Otherwise, else, either … or, neither … nor, neither are Alternative Conjunctions used to join words, phrases, or sentences offering an alternative.

Conjunctions Examples

1.My uncle or my father may buy me books.

2.You must pay your fee else you will be fined.

3. He must do hard work otherwise he may fail.

4. We must do something, otherwise we shall starve.

5. Either he or his brother has stolen that book.

6. Neither he nor his brother is a rogue.

(iii) Adversative Conjunctions –

They are used to join sentences having adverse or opposite or contrast meaning.

Conjunctions Words -

but, yet, while, still, however, only are Adversative Conjunctions.

Conjunctions Examples

1. She is very simple but very strict.

2. Mohan is very rich, yet a great miser.

3. I was reading while my sister was playing.

4. She was talking much, still I kept quiet.

5. I wanted to help them, however I could not do that.

(iv) Illative Conjunctions –

They are used to join sentences to show reason or inference or illation.

Conjunctions Words -

for, therefore, so, hence, since, because are illative Conjunctions.

Conjunctions Examples

1. He cannot get this job, for he was not qualified.

2. I have a headache, therefore I cannot attend the programme.

3. He was ill, so he could not go to school.

4. Since Virat was not well, he could not play cricket.

5. I could not attend my class, because I was ill.

6. Run fast otherwise you will not win the race.

Conjunctions Worksheet

(i) Sub-ordinating Conjunctions -

Sub-Ordinating Conjunctions are used to introduce a dependent or sub-ordinate clause. This sub-ordinate clause depends on main clause for its full meaning.

Types/Kinds of sub-ordinate Conjunctions

sub-ordinate Conjunctions may be classified according to the meaning they do. They can refer time, place, manner, condition, comparison, reason, purpose etc.

(i) Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Time

Conjunctions Sentences

1.I wake up before sunrise.

2.I shall meet him when I reach home.

3.Rahul injured his knee while playing football.

4.I returned home after doing my work.

5.He is ill since he came here.

(ii) Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Place

1.I don’t where he lives.

2.He will create problems wherever he goes.

(iii)Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Manner

1.He did not do it as I told him.

2.I will never learn to swim as he does.

3.She taught me how to remember.

(iv) Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Condition

1.I will attend the party if I am invited.

2.Ican not sell it unless I get a good price for it.

3.You will pass the test provided you study hard.

(v)Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Comparison

1.He is more brilliant than his brother.

2.Mohan is not so intelligent as his brother is.

3.He is stronger than I.

(vi) Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Reason

1.I will do it, since my father wants me to do it.

2.He was fined because he broke the chair.

3.As she was not at home, I spoke to his mother.

(vi) Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Purpose

1. She flatters so that she may get favour.

2. I held the child firmly, lest he should fall.

(vi) Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Concession

1. I could not meet my aunt, though she came.

2. She could not help me, although she tried.

(vii) Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Result or Consequence

She was so tired that she went to bed early.

(viii) Sub-Ordinate Conjunctions of Condition

1. I will go if you go.

2. Wait here till I come back.

Conjunctions Exercises

1. Pick out the conjunctions  –

  1. I met my old friend when I was going to market.
  2. She is slow but she is sure.
  3. We wanted to go, however, heavy rain stopped us from going out.
  4. Walk fast or you will miss the bus.
  5. He is very poor but happy.
  6. He is tall, but he is thin.
  7. Birds fly and fish swims.
  8. Raghu disturbed the class, therefore, the teacher punished him.
  9. We are getting late, so let’s faster.
  10. Madhu is intelligent yet she does not get good marks.
  11. Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
  12. Either he is mad or he feigns madness.
  13. He as well as his brother is a rouge.
  14. They toil not neither they do spin.
  15. Two and two make four.
  16. Something certainly fell in, for I heard a splash.

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions

  1. She will not come rains.
  2. .............I were you, I would keep quiet.
  3. You will never try.
  4. Mohan ……..Sohan are brothers.
  5. He is poor ……. honest.
  6. I was reading …….. my brother was playing.
  7. Follow the rules ……. You will be punished.
  8. He was absent …… he was ill.
  9. She danced ………. Radha sang.
  10. He is an actor …….. a singer.
  11. Walk slowly ……. You will fall.
  12. I was very angry …….. I kept quiet.
  13. Listen attentively ……. leave the room.
  14. He is not as honest …… he seems.
  15. He was talking much …….. I kept quiet.
  16. Madhu has been reading a poem …… article.
  17. He came …….. I called.
  18. She is more intelligent ……..her sister.
  19. Nobody knows ……..he lives.
  20. We are getting late ……….lets walk faster.
  21. ………..he is poor he is honest.
  22. He plays football, he plays cricket ……...
  23. Early to bed ……….early to rise.
  24. I met my old friend …………going to market.
  25. He disturbed the class ………. the teacher punished him.
  26. You must do something ...... we shall all starve.

Answers -

 1. when 2. but  3. however  4. or  5. but  6. but  7. and  8. therefore  9. so  10.  yet  11. Neither....nor   12. Either...or  13. as well as  14. neither  15. and  16. for  

2. if  2. If  3. unless  4. and  5. but  6. while  7.otherwise  8. because  9. and  10. as well as  11. or  12. but/yet  13. or  14. as  15. still  16. and  17. when  18. than  19. where  20. so  21. Though  22. too  23. and  24. while  25. therefore  26. otherwise



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