Narration | Direct and Indirect Speech

 Narration Meaning

Narration means speech or statement.

Narration Meaning in Hindi

Narration का मतलब होता हैकथन कथन दो तरह से कहा जाता है - प्रत्यक्ष (Direct Speech) और परोक्ष (Indirect Speech)

What is narration direct and indirect?

There are two ways of speech – 1. Direct and 2. Indirect.

1.Direct Speech – the original words spoken by the speaker are direct speech.

2.Indirect Speech – We do some change to express the words of speaker.

Mainly we change person and tense of Reported Speech.

Narration Change

Narration change

General Rules to change Direct to Indirect speech –

1.Change in Person (SON formula) –

  1. i) First Person of Reported speech is changed according to the Subject of Reporting Verb.

e.g. She says to me, “I am fine.” Direct Speech.

Here in this sentence “says to” is called Reporting Verb. A Reporting Verb reports about the who (Subject) says and to whom (Object).

The statement “I am fine” is called Reported Speech. “I am fine.” Original words.

Here Subject “I” of reported speech will be changed according to the subject of reporting verb “He”. So indirect speech of the sentence will be-

She says to me, “I am fine.” -Direct Speech

She tells me that she is fine. – Indirect speech.

Narration Examples –

1.Rahul says to me, “I am coming”. (Direct speech)

Rahul tells me that he is coming. (Indirect speech)

2.He says to me, “I can go”. (Direct speech)

He tells me that he can go. (Indirect speech)

3.She says to him, “We are intelligent”. (Direct speech)

She tells him that they are intelligent. (Indirect speech)

4.Radha says to Mohan, “I have gone.”. (Direct speech)

Radha tells Mohan that she has gone. (Indirect speech)

5.Rekha says to them, “We have done well”. (Direct speech)

Rekha tells them that they have done well. (Indirect speech)

  1. ii) The Second person pronoun is changed according to the Object of the reporting Verb.

Narration Examples –

She says to me, “You are fine.” - Direct Speech.

She tells me that I am fine. – Indirect speech.

Here subject of reporting verb is in Second person that is changed according to the second rule. Object of reporting verb is me that is changed into “I”

Narration Examples –

1.Rahul says to me, “you are coming”. (Direct speech)

Rahul tells me that I am coming. (Indirect speech)

2.He says to me, “you can go”. (Direct speech)

He tells me that I can go.. (Indirect speech)

3.She says to him, “You are lazy”. (Direct speech)

She tells him that he is lazy. (Indirect speech)

4.Radha says to Mohan, “You have gone.”. (Direct speech)

Radha tells Mohan that he has gone. (Indirect speech)

5.Rekha says to them, “You have done well”. (Direct speech)

Rekha tells them that they have done well. (Indirect speech)

iii) The third person remains the same. It is not changed.

e.g. – She says to me, “Madhu is fine.” - Direct Speech.

She tells me that Madhu is fine. – Indirect speech.

Narration Examples –

1.Rahul says to me, “Mohan is coming”. (Direct speech)

Rahul tells me that Mohan is coming. (Indirect speech)

2.He says to me, “She is coming”. (Direct speech)

He tells me that she is coming. (Indirect speech)

3.She says to me, “They are coming”. (Direct speech)

She tells me that they are coming. (Indirect speech)

4.Radha says to me, “Rani has gone.”. (Direct speech)

Radha tells me that Rani has gone. (Indirect speech)

5.Rekha says to me, “It is an insect”. (Direct speech)

Rekha tells me that it is an insect. (Indirect speech)

2.Change in Tense -

Important Notes : -

1.The tense of reported speech is not changed when Reporting Verb is in Present or Future time.

Narration Examples –

i)She says to me, “I am writing.”

She tells me that she is writing.

ii)She will say to me, “I am reading.”

She will tell me that she is reading.

Here in the sentence (i) reporting verb is in Present time; so the tense of Reported speech of Direct speech is not changed.  The tense of Reported speech is present continuous that is remain in Indirect speech.

Similarly, in the sentence (ii) reporting verb is in Future time; so the tense of Reported speech of Direct speech is not changed.  The tense of Reported speech is present continuous that is remain in Indirect speech.

2.The tense of the Reported speech is changed into the Corresponding past tense if the tense of reporting verb is in past time.

(i)Simple Present becomes Simple Past 

Narration Examples –

a)He said to me, “I play cricket.”  - Direct speech

He told me that he played cricket.  – Indirect speech

b)Mohan said to her, “We help them.” – Direct speech

Mohan told her that they helped them. – Indirect speech

(ii) Present Continuous becomes Past Continuous

Narration Examples –

a)He said to me, “I am playing cricket.”  - Direct speech

He told me that he was playing cricket.  – Indirect speech

b)Mohan said to her, “We are helping them.” – Direct speech

Mohan told her that they were helping them. – Indirect speech

(iii)Present Perfect becomes Past Perfect

Narration Examples –

a)He said to me, “I have played cricket.”  - Direct speech

He told me that he had played cricket.  – Indirect speech

b)Mohan said to her, “We have helped them.” – Direct speech

Mohan told her that they had helped them. – Indirect speech

(iv) Present Perfect Continuous becomes Past Perfect Continuous

Narration Examples –

a)He said to me, “I play have been playing cricket.”  - Direct speech

He told me that he had been playing cricket.  – Indirect speech

b)Mohan said to her, “We have been helping them.” – Direct speech

Mohan told her that they had been helping them. – Indirect speech

(v) Simple Past becomes Past Perfect

Narration Examples –

a)He said to me, “I played cricket.”  - Direct speech

He told me that he had played cricket.  – Indirect speech

b)Mohan said to her, “We helped them.” – Direct speech

Mohan told her that they had helped them. – Indirect speech

(vii)Past Continuous (Past Progressive) becomes Past Perfect Continuous (Past Perfect Progressive)

Narration Examples –

a)He said to me, “I was playing cricket.”  - Direct speech

He told me that he had been playing cricket.  – Indirect speech

b)Mohan said to her, “We were helping them.” – Direct speech

Mohan told her that they had been helping them. – Indirect speech

  1. Other changes –

Some words are changed in Indirect Speech if the reporting verb is in the past tense –

Shall –   should

Will –     would

May –   might

Can  -     could

Here – there

This –    that

These -  those

Now –   then

Ago -     before

Today – that day

Tonight - that night

Tomorrow – the following day, the next day, the day after

The day after tomorrow –two days later

Yesterday – the day before, the previous day

Last night  -  the previous night/the night before

The day before yesterday – two days before

4.When the Reported Speech is a Universal truth, the tense is unchanged.

Narration Examples –

a)The teacher said, “Two and two is four.”

The teacher said that two and two is four.

He said, “The sun rises in the east.”

He said that the sun rises in the east.

What are the 3 types of Narration

Main three types of Narration are -

  1. Interrogative

  2. Imperative

  3. Optative

Interrogative Sentences

(A) When Question Sentences begins with question word -

If the question sentence begins with an interrogative Pronoun/adjective/adverb (what, who, which, whom, whose, why, where, when, how) - “asked” is used with same interrogative words -

i)the reporting verb “said” is changed to “asked”

ii)the conjunction “that” is changed to question words

iii)subject is changed according to general rules

iv) verb is changed according to general rules

v) remove question mark and use full stop at the end.

Narration Examples –

a)He said to me, “What are you doing?”

He asked me what I was doing.

b) “Why did you beat that boy?” she said to me angrily.

She asked me angrily why I had beaten that boy.

c)She said to me, “How are you?”

She asked me how I was.

d) I said to him, “Where is your little brother?”

I asked him where his little brother was.

(B) When Question Sentences begins with Auxiliary Verb -

Narration Examples –

a)She said to me, “Can you help me?”

She asked me if I could help her.

b) He said to his mother, “May I have this cake?”

He asked his mother if he might have that cake.

c)”Haven’t you done your work?” said the teacher to the student.

The student asked his teacher if he hadn’t done his work.

d) She said to me, “Did you meet my brother yesterday?”

She asked me if I had met his brother the previous day.

Imperative Sentences

When the direct speech is an Imperative sentence, we do certain changes in Indirect speech–

i)the reporting verb “said” is changed to “ordered”, “requested”, “advised”, “suggested” etc.

ii)remove the conjunction “that” and use “to”.

iii)verb in the first form is used after “to”

iv)Pronoun is changed according to general rules

v) full stop is used at the end.

Narration Examples –

  1. She said to her maid, “clean the room.”

She ordered her maid to clean the room. 

b)The captain said, “ March forward”.

The captain commanded the soldiers to march forward.

c)She said to me. “Please help me.”

She requested me to help her.”

d)Mohan said to his friends, “Let’s go out for a walk.”

Mohan suggested his friends to go out for a walk.

e)The doctor said, “Avoid smoking.”

The doctor advised the patient to avoid smoking.

Optative Sentences

When the direct speech is an Optative sentence, we do certain change in Indirect speech–

i)the reporting verb “said” is changed to “prayed”, “wished”, “desired”, cursed”, etc.

ii)the conjunction “that” is used.

iii)Subject is changed according to general rules

iv)might is used after subject

v) verb is changed according to general rules

vi) remove exclamation mark and use full stop at the end.

Narration Examples –

a)The people said in a chorus, “Long live the King!”

The people prayed in a chorus that the king might live long.

b)My grandmother said, “God bless you”

My grandmother prayed that God might bless me.

  1. c) He said to me “May you live a long and prosperous life!”

He wished that I might live a long and prosperous life.

d)She said to him, “May you have a safe jouney!”

She wished that I might have a safe journey.

e)The boy said, “Would that I were a prime minister.”

The boy wished that he were a prime minister.

  1. f) She said, “May you die!”

She cursed him that he might die.

Exclamatory Sentences

When the direct speech is an Exclamatory Sentences, that express a sudden feeling of the mind like that joy, sorrow, surprise, hatred, approval, etc. we do certain change in Indirect speech–

i)the reporting verb “said” is changed to “exclaimed”, “applauded” etc. according to sense of the sentence.

ii)the conjunction “that” is used.

iii)remove exclamatory words and make a simple sentence.

subject is changed according to general rules

iv) verb is changed according to general rules

v) remove exclamation mark and use full stop at the end.

Narration Examples –

a)He said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”

He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.


He exclaimed delightedly that they had won the match.

b)She said, “Alas! He has ruined his life.”

She exclaimed sadly that he had ruined his life.

c)”What a big fool he is!” said the girl.

The girl exclaimed in surprise that he was a very big fool.

The girl exclaimed in surprise that he was a great fool.

d)She said, “Goodbye, my friends.”

She bade goodbye to her friends.

e)The student said, “good morning, sir!”

The student wished good morning to his teacher.


Exercise of Narration

Narration Change Exercise

A . Change into indirect form of Narration -

  1.  She says to me, “ You are very intelligent.”

  2. Madhu said to him, “I am reading.”

  3. He says to me, “ I am fine.”

  4. Raghu said, “Mohan is reading.”

  5. She said to me, “ I am very busy.”

  6. Meenu said to him, “You can help them.”

  7. She said to me, “ I am writing a poem.”

  8. Mohan said to him, “How are you?”

  9. She said to me, “ I know you.”

  10. Minu said to him, “You should help the poor.”

  11. She said to me, “What are you doing?”

  12. Mohan said to him, “I can help them.”

  13. She said to me, “ My sister was very busy.”

  14. Madhu said to him, “What are you doing?”

  15. The teacher said to me, “ Labour hard.”

  16. Radha said to him, “What do you want to do?”

Answers -

  1. She tells me that I am very intelligent.

  2. Madhu told him that she was reading.

  3. He tells me that he is fine.

  4. Raghu said that Mohan is reading.

  5. She told me that she was very busy.

  6. Meenu told him that he could help them.

  7. She told me that she was writing a poem.

  8. Mohan asked him how he was.

  9. She told me that she knew me.

  10. Minu told him that he should help the poor.

  11. She asked me what I was doing.

  12. Mohan told him that he could help them.

  13. She told me that her sister had been very busy.

  14. Madhu asked him what he was doing.

  15. The teacher advised me to labour hard.

  16. Radha asked him what he wanted to do.

Narration Exercises

B 1.Read the dialogue and complete the following passage  -

Manu : Why have you not given me my book?

Ranu : I haven't brought it because I forgot to keep it.

Manu : Don't give me silly excuse.  I want to know the truth.

Ranu : I am sorry Manu. I was very busy. I forgot that you needed it urgently today.

Now complete the passage -

    Manu asked Ranu (a) ............ Ranu said that she (b)............ Manu (c).............Ranu said that she was sorry and further added that she had been very busy and she had forgotten that he needed it urgently that day.

2. Change into Indirect form of Narration -

John : When did you come here?

Nisu : I came here yesterday. 

John : Why have you come?

Nisu : I have been offered a job here.

Answers -

B. 1. (a) why she had not given him his book

(b) hadn't brought it because she had forgotten to keep it.

(c) told her not to give him silly excuse and further said that he wanted to know the truth

2. John asked Nisu when she had come there. 

Nisu told him that she had come there the previous day.

John again asked her why she had come.

Nisu answered that she had been offered a job there.


Narration Video -


For Test -

Change into Indirect Speech of Narration -

  1. She says to me, "How are you?"

  2. She said to me, "How are you?"

  3. Mohan said to me, "Can you help them?"

  4. Rani said to me, "I am very busy."

  5. He said to me, "I have written a poem today?"

  6. She said, "May you live long!"

  7. Madhu said to him, "Please help me."

  8. Rohit said, "What a nice place this is!"

  9. Virat said, "I played cricket yesterday."

  10. She said, "My sister is coming."



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