Application for Leave in School

 Application for Leave in School

application letter writing format


The Principal

School Name...



Dated - ......


Sub. - ........


Respected Sir/Madam

Most humbly and respectfully...............



Your obedient student or 

Yours obediently

Name - ....

Class  - .....

Section - ....

Roll No. - ....

Write an application to the Principal for half day leave.



The Principal

SSVM Barganda



Dated - 1st. March 2021


Sub. - for half day leave


Respected Sir/Madam

Most humbly and respectfully I have to state that I am not feeling good. After second period I got headache and feeling fever. I am unable to sit for a whole day in the class. 

I therefore request you to grant me leave for half day. For this kind act I will be grateful to you for ever.


Your obedient student

Name - Radha

Class  - 8 

Section - A

Roll No. - 03

Write an application to the Principal for leave on account of your elder sisters marriage.


The Principal

SSVM Barganda



Dated - 1st. March 2021


Sub. - for leave due to sister's marriage.


Respected Sir/Madam

Most humbly and respectfully I beg to say that my sister's marriage is going to take place on 15th. March 2021. I have to help my parents in making necessary arrangements.

I, therefore, request you to grant me five days leave from 11th. March 2021 to 15th. March 2021. For this I will be highly obliged for your kindness.

Your obedient student

Name - Rekha

Class  - 10

Section - A

Roll No. - 02

Write an application to your Principal requesting him to remit your fine. You are Renu/Rohit from Shivaji Marg, New Delhi.


The Principal

Shivaji Marg

New Delhi-11


Dated - 2nd. March 2021


Sub. - to remit my fine.


Respected Sir/Madam

Most humbly and respectfully I beg to say that my class teacher has fined me Rs 200/= for absent in the class. I suddenly got attacked by fever, so I was unable to come to school. Nobody else was in my house to bring my application. 

I, therefore, request you to grant me leave for three days and remit the fine. I will be highly obliged if you kindly grant me five days leave and remit the fine..

Your obedient student

Name - Renu/Rohit

Class  - 10

Section - A

Roll No. - 10



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