A Pact with the Sun class 6 English CBSE Solutions

A Pact with the Sun class 6 Summary 

‘A Pact with the Sun’ is an interesting educative story. It tells us that fresh air, sunshine, open area and normal food are the key to sound health.

Saeeda’s mother was ill. The physicians asked Saeeda’s mother to remain shut in a small dark room and not to take normal food.

The specialist prescribed some effective costly medicine and suggested to eat chapatti, vegetables, milk, fruits etc. He told to shift her to a bigger room with window and doors open. She should sit in the sun every morning for an hour and breathe fresh air.

Saeeda’s mother needed warmth. Saeeda made a pact with the sun.

She requested the sunrays to come next day with lots of warmth.

Next day  the thick dark clouds blocked the pathway to the earth. So the sun told the rays to stay up in the sky. But the rays refused it and kept their word to Saeeda. The sunrays were keen to go down to the earth because they had promised to help Saeeda.  They had made a pact with her that they would bring warmth and brightness.

They came down in large number and helped her mother get well.

A Pact with the Sun Meaning in Hindi

A Pact with the Sun Summary in Hindi

पैक्ट विद सनएक दिलचस्प शिक्षाप्रद कहानी है। यह हमें बताता है कि ताजी हवा, धूप, खुला क्षेत्र और सामान्य भोजन स्वास्थ्य की कुंजी है।

सईदा की माँ बीमार थी। चिकित्सकों ने सईदा की मां को एक छोटे से अंधेरे कमरे में बंद रहने और सामान्य भोजन नहीं लेने के लिए कहा।

विशेषज्ञ ने कुछ प्रभावी महंगी दवाएँ निर्धारित कीं और चपाती, सब्जियाँ, दूध, फल आदि खाने का सुझाव दिया। उन्होंने उसे खिड़की और दरवाजों के एक बड़े कमरे में स्थानांतरित करने के लिए कहा। कहा, उसे हर सुबह एक घंटे के लिए धूप में बैठना चाहिए और ताजी हवा में सांस लेनी चाहिए।

सईदा की मां को गर्म की जरूरत थी। सईदा ने सूरज के साथ एक समझौता किया।

उसने सूरज से अगले दिन बहुत गर्मजोशी के साथ आने का अनुरोध किया।

अगले दिन घने काले बादलों ने पृथ्वी के मार्ग को अवरुद्ध कर दिया तो सूरज ने किरणों को आकाश में रहने के लिए कहा। लेकिन किरणों ने इससे इनकार कर दिया, पृथ्वी पर जाने के लिए उत्सुक थे क्योंकि उन्होंने सईदा की मदद करने का वादा किया था। उन्होंने उसके साथ एक समझौता किया था कि वे गर्मी लाएंगे।

वे बड़ी संख्या में नीचे आए और उनकी माँ को ठीक होने में मदद की।

A Pact with the Sun class 6 Questions Answers

1. What did the physicians ask Saeeda’s mother to do to get well? Did their advice help her? If not, why?

Ans. - The physicians asked Saeeda’s mother to remain shut in a small dark room and not to take normal food.

2.What did the specialist prescribe in addition to medicine?

Ans. – The specialist prescribed some effective costly medicine and to eat chapatti, vegetables, milk, fruits etc. He told to shift her to a bigger room with window and doors open. She should sit in the sun every morning for an hour and breathe fresh air.

3.What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?

Ans. – Saeeda requested the sunrays to help her mother get well. She told them to come the next day with lots of warmth and brightness.

4.Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day?

Ans. – The sunrays were keen to go down to the earth the next day because they had promised to help Saeeda.  They had made a pact with her that they would bring warmth and brightness.

Short Answer Type Questions –

1.Who made the pact with the sun? What was it about?.

Ans. – Saeeda, a small girl made a pact with the sun. Her mother was ill. She needed warmth and fresh air. So she requested the sunrays to come next day with lots of warmth.

2.What assurance did the sunrays give to Saeeda?

Ans. – The sunrays promised to help her and to reach the earth the next morning at the fixed hour.

3.Why did the sun ask the rays to stay up in the sky?

Ans. – The thick dark clouds blocked the pathway to the earth. So the sun asked the rays to stay up in the sky. But the rays refused it and kept their word to Saeeda.

4.How did Saeeda’s mother feel on that sunny day?

Ans. – On that sunny day Saeeda’s mother felt the sun on her face and breathed in fresh air. She thought she was in a new world. She started getting recovery from illness.

Long Answer Type Questions

1.Comment on the aptness of the title of the story, ‘A Pact with the Sun’. What message or idea does the story bring home to you?

Ans. – ‘A Pact with the Sun’ is an interesting educative story. It tells us that fresh air, sunshine, open area and normal food are the key to sound health.

When Saeeda’s mother was in dark room and avoid normal food, she was ill. When she took normal food, sunshine and fresh air she recovered from her illness.

2.Who made the pact with the Sun and why? How did the pact prove fruitful?

Ans. - Saeeda, a small girl made a pact with the sun. Her mother was ill. She needed warmth and fresh air. So she requested the sunrays to come next day with lots of warmth.

The thick dark clouds blocked the pathway to the earth. So the sun told the rays to stay up in the sky. But the rays refused it and kept their word to Saeeda. They came down in large number and helped her mother get well.


A Pact with the Sun class 6 English CBSE Solutions


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