Prepositions with examples

 Preposition Meaning

Preposition definition and kinds

Definition - A Preposition is a word used before a noun or pronoun to show its relation to some other noun or pronoun in a sentence.

Definition (preposition meaning) in Hindi - वह शब्द जो किसी संज्ञा या सर्वनाम से पहले आता हो और उसका सम्बन्ध किसी अन्य संज्ञा या सर्वनाम से हो, उसे पूर्वसर्ग (Preposition) कहते हैं|

Examples -

  1. I live in India.

  2. The book is on the table.

Prepositions kinds with examples

Kinds of Preposition

Prepositions are divided according to their construction in the following classes -

  1. Simple Prepositions - contains only one word - in, on, at, to, from, with, by, for, about, from, down, of, off, over, since, till, up, under etc.

  2. Compound Prepositions - these used prefixes (a/ab or b) - about, above, among, across, between, beside, before, around, beyond, inside, outside, within, without, until etc.

  3. Participle Prepositions - present participles are used - during, concerning, regarding etc.

  4. Phrase Preposition (Prepositional Phrase) - according to, in spite of, in front of, in order to, for the sake of, by means of, on account of, because of, by dint of, with reference to, in addition to, due to etc.

Prepositions with examples

Correct use of Simple and Compound Prepositions -

 1. on - on is used to show-  

a. day and date -

i. We shall go to Ranchi on Monday.

ii. My birthday is on 14th August.

  b. touching surface -

i. The pen is lying on the table.

ii. The The children are sitting on floor.

2. Upon is used -to show motion on surface -

i. The child jump upon the bed.

ii. The tree fell upon the ground.

3.  in is used with - 

 a. a certain surrounded place -

i. She is in the class room.

ii. Milk is in the glass.

   b. with large town and big place -

i. She lives in Delhi.

ii. He was born in a village.

    c. month and year -

i. My birthday is in August.

ii. He was born in 2015.

d. short period -

in the morning, in summer,

in the evening, in the afternoon

4. at is used with -

a. village, small town, colony

i. Mohan lives at Rampur village.

ii. She stays at R.K.Puram.

b. Certain time and place -

i. I sleep at 9 p.m.

ii. Radha is at school.

c. to stay a lagre city for sometime -

On my way to Mussorie I shall stay at Dehradun.

 d. to refer rate -

Potatoes are selling at Rs. one kilo.

5. into is used with - 

 a.. motion -

i. The young boy got into the bus.

ii. The ball fell into the well.

b. to change the form -

Translate into English .

6. to is used to refer going one place to other -

I go to school everyday.

7. by is used with -

  a. certain time -

He will come by 6.30 p.m.

 b. doer of an action -

This poem is written by me.

8. With is used to indicate -

a. agent of an action -

I write with a pen.

 b. manner or condition -

I am agree with you.

9. Of is used to show -

   a. relation -

He is the Secretary of my school.

 b. cause -

He died of cancer.

10. off is used to indicate separation -

   He fell off the tree.

11. From is used - 

   a.  coming from a space.

  He is coming from home.

b. with Indefinite tense of Present or Future -

b. The science exhibition starts from Monday.

12. Since is used to show-

  a. point of time in perfect tense -

She has been reading since morning.

b. cause - 

I can not buy a new dress since I have no money.

13. above - ऊपर 

i. The water in the pool was just above the knees.

ii. She got above 80% marks.

14. over - बहुत ऊपर 

The birds fly over the sky.

15. across - ऊपर (घेरते हुए

The bridge was across the river.

16. Between - for two person or thing

i. He divided his property between his two sons.

ii. There was a fight between Mohan and Sohan.

17. Among is used for more than two person or thing -

He distributed sweets among all children.

 18. beside- by the side , near, close, बगल में 

      He sat beside his father.

19. Besides -in addition to - अतिरिक्त 

     He plays cricket besides football.

Thus, We learnt Preposition Meaning/Kinds & usage with examples.


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