What is Diary Writing | Diary Writing Format


What is Diary Writing

A diary writing is a personal document that is a record of a person's account of a day in his/her life.

A diary writing includes the following facts-

  • First Person usage
  • Day, date and time on the top left side
  • Text in simple past or Present Perfect

Diary Writing Format


Date -

Day -

Time -

Salutation -






Diary Writing Examples

You are Mohini. You travelled in a crowded city bus for the first time. Record your experience in a diary entry.

Ans. -


03 May. 2021


9 p.m.

Dear Diary

Today I got a very bad experience of travelling in a crowded city bus for the first time.

I got in the bus to visit Gandhi Chowk. Inside the bus there was a big crowd. I could not get a seat. It was really difficult even to breath. There was suffocation in the bus. I came to know that it was a strike of bus drivers. When I reached my destination, I got a relief. Thank God! I got down from the bus. My parents advised me to be aware about all conditions of the bus before getting in.

Yours Lovingly



2. You visited a dairy farm and observed the milking of cows. Write a diary entry describing your experience.

Ans. -


03 May. 2021


9 p.m.

Dear Diary

Today I visited a dairy farm and observed the milking of cows. The dairy farm was about 5 km. away from my house. When I reached there I saw all the cows were grazing in an open field. There was a large shade in the ground. Under this shade the cows were standing. Then the milkmen started to milk them and huge pots were filled soon with milk. The atmosphere was very clean and green. After sometime I came back to my home.

Your loving



3. You celebrated your birthday. Write a diary on your birthday celebration .

Ans. -


03 May. 2021


9 p.m.

Dear Kitty

Today I celebrated my birthday in a different way. First of all, in the morning I worshiped and touched my parents feet. They blessed me. I went to orphanage with my parents. We distributed sweets, food, clothes there. After that we went to temple. My parents worshiped and donated some money there. In the evening my mother cooked special dish. Some of my friends, relatives and neighbors came. We enjoyed much. After taking dinner they all went away.

It was my memorable day in my life because for the first time I went to orphanage. Young children became very happy when we gave them sweets and food. The old people were also very happy after getting clothes.

My dear diary now I am going to stop my writing and go to bed.

Your loving




  1. Hello,

    I'm so happy for you that you're writing about diary writing. It's great to hear about this and it is really a good thing that you're doing it. This is a very good habit and I would like to appreciate your efforts.

    Its really nice feeling when we write something about our daily routine and jot down the things which are in our mind. I had also written a similar article on the same topic few months back but recently I'm not able to write such things due to my busy schedule.

    But I would like to request you that if possible then please share your articles with me as well so that I can read them too and get to know more about it.


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